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~Year 2091-Spring-

"Can't we at least do this in your room?" Rose asks me with desperation, the vulnerability she feels surfacing as she can't go anywhere any longer. Staring at her with the thin paddle out of her view, I give her a moment to correct herself, though she continues to mumble under her breath, "Never mind..." her eyes meet with mine and I arch a brow.

One last chance...little rose.

"...this is your room, isn't it?" Rose asks and not a second after the words leave her lips do I bring the paddle down quick on her exposed clit. Her heart skips a beat while she releases a breath, her eyes growing wide as I walk to the left side of the bed.

"Master! This is your room, Master," the way she's hasty in her response makes her more than likely believe she's going to escape punishment. Her body jolts slightly when I lean down next to her, rubbing the sting from her clit with the pad of my middle finger. Moving in circles, her breathing becomes uneven...though, her eyes never leave mine as she quietly whispers, "Mmmm..." a very soft sigh leaving her lips.

"Correct," I respond to her question, noticing the way she's already growing wet after one swat and a little stimulation. She glances out of the corner of her eyes, her gaze landing on the paddle I hold in my hand before something flashes across her features.

Very quickly, she looks deeply into my eyes and asks, "Y-You're not going to really hurt me...are you?"

There is fear that lingers in her voice...something I never want coming from her or associating me with that emotion. Very slowly, I lower myself down beside of her on the bed. Settling the paddle by her outer thigh, I bring both of my hands up to gently cup her cheeks...my lips touch her forehead as I leave a very loving and tender kiss. My eyes are soft when I pull away from her, gazing into her eyes and letting her know...

"I would never hurt you Rose," I'm sincere in the way I speak to her, wanting her to understand how deeply I care for her. I exhale a breath before telling her, "If you don't wish to partake in being restrained..." my voice trails off, though my eyes continue to search hers. It's in those traumatized orbs of hers that everything comes to the surface and I don't want her to ever look at me like the way she's feeling threatened and scared right now, "...I can see it in your eyes little rose, you're scarred from what Aohdan did to you."

The pads of my thumbs brush away the tears that fall down her cheeks, a sniffle escaping her lips as she draws a shaky breath. No...

...I'd never hurt you.

Calming her, I immediately release her cheeks while quickly unbuckling the restraints that bind her wrists and ankles. The second I free her, I instantly lift her into my arms like a small child, pulling her closer to me as she buries her face into my chest. I remain still, holding her as one of my hands runs up and down her back while securing her lower back with my other arm.

Gently, I whisper to her, "Shh, shh, it's okay," I cradle her, rocking her gently as I try to reassure her that she's safe within my arms. The warmth encases me as I know it does her, wanting to feel the rhythmic beat of her heart.

"I-I do-don't understand," her voice is so confused and it makes me furrow my brows as she attempts to calm herself under my touch before she asks, " why a-are you acting s-s...s-so n-nice?"

While I rest my chin on the top of her head, breathing in her scent slowly I remind her of what she willingly gave to me, "I love you Rose. This isn't just being a vampire, forcing you to be my slave and punishing you to be cruel," my hands gently push against her upper arms while her head tilts back to look into my eyes, "this type of relationship can only exist with complete love and trust. It's important to me that you're okay and you don't do something that makes you uncomfortable or scared."

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