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~Year 2091-Winter-

After thinking about it for awhile, I decide that the only way I can get Rose out of this is not only offering up another one of my personal slaves as replacement...but playing into Arthur's obsession with Dante.

Kev, you'll be forfeiting Missy.


Walking down the staircase, I reach the bottom landing and glance toward the living area. Noticing a light remains on and Arthur is sitting by himself, his eyes very distant while he holds the rim of a glass in his fingertips. There's something very off...especially the way he glances at me very slowly before hardly changing his facial features and his expression remains vacant. Odd enough as it is, I shake the feeling and make my way out and cross the snowy grounds toward the slave housing unit.

Cormac, what are you doing?

It's quiet when I enter it, passing a few slaves that have stayed up late as they cast their gaze elsewhere. Walking to the end of the hallway and up the female side of the housing unit. My eyes scan the room of sleeping girls, only to hone in right on Missy, walking toward the side of her bed before siting on the edge of it.

Missy stirs at my actions, her eyelids opening slowly until she finally sees me. She gasps and I place a finger to my lips, motioning her to sit up. My lips are close to her ear when I whisper, "I have a job for you..."

Missy nods her head when I pull away. Standing to my feet, she pulls away the covers, walking with me as we move back through the main living area. When we near the door, I turn around and Missy stares up at me, my gaze quickly flickering out toward the three girls sitting on the couch and chairs. Raising my voice slightly, I order them, "Get to bed, the Starlight Dance is tomorrow and there'll be much preparation in the morning required."

All going well...Missy will serve in Rose's place.


I don't want to hear it. You'd rather stand up for your little whore and see my bond destroyed with my actual beloved?

He's quiet on his response, knowing what the right choice is here.

They are quick to disperse, Missy remaining quiet until they have left the room. She tilts her head to the side and asks, "What type of job do you have for me, Master?"

"I wanted to go above and beyond showing my generosity to the council this year...though I think I chose the wrong slave for the job sadly," I release a sigh and appeared annoyed.

Missy's eyes widen and she asks, "Who did you pick, Master?"

"Rose..." more annoyance fills my voice as I shake my head, "...I shouldn't have been so confident in someone who believes they can ever come close to the way you somehow seduce me in bed," god these lies are some of the hardest to tell...but if I don't, we're all screwed.

A sly smirk makes its way onto her face when she nods, "Master, of course...whatever you need me to do, I'll be happy to serve."

Of course...I knew I came to the right person.

"You'll no longer be sleeping in the slave housing unit," I motion around us before concluding, "you'll be serving all of the council members from this point on..." Arthur won't say no, not with the stance I'm taking in regards to Rose.

"You want me to..." her voice trails off as everything begins to sink in. Her eyes hold mine and with the look I have set on my face, she then nods her head and finishes, "I'll do it, Master."

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