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~Year 2078-Autumn-

Arthur's unexpected call was not an invitation, but a requirement for the council to suddenly gather. He had sounded hurried and a bit uneasy oppose to the slowly cooling nature he had become accustom to while forcing those to believe he's ruthless. He is to be feared due to his irrational tendencies however, the warlocks calling the main shots are what I fear more.

When I arrived at the estate a few minutes prior to Aohdan's arrival, I noticed the way the slaves were behaving along with Arthur's coven members. Distracted is a very good word to describe how they run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

While I remain slightly in the entryway, I hear Aohdan scoff at me and glower, "Get out of the way."

"In such a rush to kiss his ass are we?" I arch a brow while moving to the side of the wall, slipping out of my light coat. In my attempt to hang it up myself, one of Arthur's slaves beats me to it, hurriedly standing between the coat rack and I.

"Please Sir, let me take care of that for you," she holds her arms out and I take a moment to breathe out calmly. The humans are falling further and further into their slavery and solitude that Arthur enforces across the globe. I have to remember...

...I'm not on my grounds.

Apparently, if you have to belong to a vampire, let alone a council member, I'm the one they all want to serve. The girls at my estate are slowly learning that I'm a lot more lenient than the rest. I save face by following the code, but deviate and manipulate where I can.

Aohdan throws his coat off and discards it to the girl's waiting arms. She flinches slightly only because her focus had been on me however, she recovers quickly and says, "Enjoy your stay, Sir."

Aohdan gives me this irritated expression before heading off toward the council meeting chamber. I release a sigh before lightly releasing the fabric of my coat and telling the girl, "Thank you, slave."

Her cheeks color at my regard for her as a person instead of the object Aohdan had just treated her as. She nods her head and whispers, "Thank you, Sir. Please enjoy your stay with Master."

Enjoy is a very strong word...

Gathering my thoughts, I make my way up the large staircase and down the hallways until I find the corner to the hallway connected to the chamber. What somewhat surprise me and draws slight alarm, is that the entire council is waiting outside the doors with Arthur having his back right against the handles. The moment he sees me, he waves me over with urgency.

What is he in such a hurry about?

"Arthur," I nod once I fill in the space, the small circle we have created while we glance from one another with anticipation. I catch the glare Aohdan throws Taft, but I don't get another second to observe their interactions between one another as Arthur parts his lips to speak.

"We have a guest," Arthur announces.

"Dare I ask why it is then that you are rushing us like it's the apocalypse?" I question, folding my arms across my chest. Taft chuckles at my comment, brushing his hair from his field of view. This question earns me Arthur's full and undivided attention.

He narrows his eyes on me and states, "A member of the Matz family has come to pay us a visit."

"Not just you?" Taft asks with curiosity. He then nods to Aohdan and asks, "Did Ninette and Dante stop by your place as well?"

Aohdan hardly gives him the time of day, shifting his gaze onto me and asking, "Did they visit you?"

"Yes," is the one word response they receive from me. It was awhile ago, but after my interaction with Dante, I hadn't really felt that type of aura he gave off from anyone else I've come across. It still baffles me to this day...

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