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~Year 2091-Spring-

With Rose sitting between the two of us at the edge of the bed, the fire consuming us...Marc's hand cups the side of her cheek, turning her to face him while his lips claim hers in a deep and passionate kiss. My hand skates down her bare breasts, grasping one of them and eliciting a moan from the back of her throat.

She clutches her thighs together when I roll one of her nipples between my thumb and finger, causing her to shift her hips in the process. I can see Marc battling for dominance over their kiss, my own lips finding a need to place gentle kisses down the top of her shoulder to her back. The way she moves and shudders beneath our combined touch is something entirely different than when I had her alone and all to myself.

Rose's head tilts back and I draw my lips away from her back, watching as Marc's lips trail down the front of her neck while I continue to massage and caress her breasts. Her arousal permeates the air, allowing it to consume my senses as I know it's having the same affect on Marc.

Just as Marc's hand touches one of her thighs, she gasps, his fingers attempting to pry those clenched thighs of hers apart. As he hasn't have had the pleasure of tasting little rose, perhaps I'll help him out then...encasing one of her nipples in my mouth, my teeth grazes over the sensitive top. I allow my other hand to wander down, grasping her other thigh as I massage gently trying to cox her to open up to the both of us.

"Wait," a throaty moan leaves her lips just as we apply a bit more pressure. Her breathing is uneven as her breasts rise and fall, begrudgingly relinquishing my mouth from around her nipple and lifting my head. Marc also captures her gaze as we both stare at her with concern, wondering if she's having second thoughts having sex with the both of us at once.

"Little rose?" I ask her gently, noticing the way she's a little slow to turn her head in either of our directions, the Tequila shots having relaxed her quite enough.

She's quiet for a moment before she suddenly says, "Mark each other."

I've been thinking about this...yet didn't believe she'd ever come to the same conclusion. It's logical in a sense as the bond between us would only help us grow closer together instead of tearing us apart.

As Marc and I stare at her, it's only a few moments before we both glance at one another, hearing hear heartbeat thump loudly in her chest.

"Excuse me?" Marc asks and turns to her, "I don't think I heard you quite right."

She releases a shaky breath before she states, "Claim one another...just like you claimed me, the both of you," she gives us both this longing look and I want to appease her wishes...though I want to know where she's coming from in asking this of us when she knows Marc is skeptical of ever having a peaceful three way relationship.

A darkness crosses Marc's features and I'm quick to ask her, "Why would you ask this of us little rose?"

"No hybrid union has ever allowed for all three mates to live together in harmony...jealousy..." her words trail off, noticing the once dark look clouding Marc's features diminish in the next second, "I love you both...I need you both, you make me stronger in your own ways and I can't imagine my life any different then it is now. I know now how claiming another draws you closer together then that inescapable pull, binding you together forever..."

In our silence, I begin to piece together that she's desperately been trying to find a way all on her own and she finishes with, "I don't think any other hybrid pairings have done what I'm asking...if fate really did select for three souls to be intertwined together...then why wouldn't we all claim each other? Strengthening our union into something unbreakable."

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