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~Year 2066-Autumn- 

"Isn't he ever the clever one," Kev rolls his eyes after coming from the secret chamber I had built that conjoined my bedroom to a very large room of his own. The room I had designed had everything he needed while I was portraying myself; a bedroom, bathroom and a study area...

...only our blood placed upon the right stone on the wall would open the secret passageway.

Keveon's very existence was considered snuffed out when he was born however...that wasn't the entire truth. He found me a few years ago and if it wasn't for him being my identical twin, I would have tested him by blood with our family ritual dance. Bloodlines have their own specific dance...a family member could go their whole lives never having performed it and it will come second nature the moment the music plays and their partner aids them in but two steps.

We chose to keep his existence a secret, remaining hidden as we have come to realize that we can manipulate those around us by representing myself.

With that in mind...

"Arthur could prove dangerous if Walter continues to listen to him while talking to me on the sly," I nod at Kev as he takes a seat on the chair in my room. I pause a moment and then note, "You will need to uphold my presence here..."

Kev arches a brow and chuckles, "Is that so?"

"Walter has requested for Delaney's presence," I walk toward the window of my room, the curtains slightly ajar. As I close the distance between them and myself, I reach my hand and shut out the last of the moonlight from flooding into my room and any prying eyes that might linger, "I want to know exactly how much her research has evolved and what she has learned. It could tip us off as to how Walter plans on catching an alpha as I expect that to be damn near impossible."

Turning away from the curtains, Kev's gaze meets with my own and he shrugs, "So long as I get to sleep with Abigail, I think my stay as you should be rather entertaining."


Yes, it's not unheard of for the two of us to keep appearance as myself with my vampire lover. I have yet to come across my beloved and hers was killed by a werewolf two years ago. She knows my attachment will not be permanent and she hardly cares as she'll move on to the next vampire that's unoccupied when the time comes.

At least our relationship is mutual.

"Keep the lovely lady entertained all you like brother," I chuckle darkly as I step away from the window and sigh, "just...don't slip up."

"Hey!" Kev appears taken aback by my statement and stands to his feet from the chair, "I can't always be perfect..."

In a matter of seconds, I turn on him and he takes a step away from me, only to trip back over the chair and awkwardly fall to the floor before he catches himself. I smirk and reply, "No, you can't...but play a crucial moment wrong and you very well could destroy the game we've been playing between us."

Kev brushes himself off and sighs as he nods his head, "I know...I'm trying."

"Try harder," I scoff and head toward the stone on the wall that leads to Kev's chamber. I bring the pad of my thumb up and nick it with one of my fangs before I press the blood against the cool stone. There's a secret passage off his chamber that allows for me to slip out while he resumes my role without missing a beat, the only way we have been able to keep up this charade as long as we have.

"Leaving so soon?" Kev furrows his brows with a questioning look lingering on his face.

As the stone wall slides out of place, I glance back and him and nod, "Delaney will be arriving at Walter's within a matter of days and I'm sure Taft and Aohdan will want to come along also..."

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