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~Year 2091-Summer-

Once again...

...it's just a continuation of hurting her. Though I understand she's angry and upset for the way we lured her to isolate her werewolf gene, Marc and I are now bound together and she can't get that upset that we turn to each other for comfort as well. He's very kind...sweet and sincere and all the more reason why Rose deserves him alone as a mate.

However...I can understand that our timing wasn't the best...

...though I thought Dante was going to fuck her. Apparently, she didn't allow that to happen as she was still angry with us all. It's no surprise why she stands with her back against the wall of Dante's office, Marc and I sitting in chairs across from the desk. Dante leans back in his chair, having requested I bring my personal slave bracelet, I set it on the desk before being seated next to the one that carries his name engraved on the surface.

The bracelets rest on a closed manila file while I glance at Rose out of the corner of my eyes for her to merely blink away from me. Her stare falls on Dante, though he's a bit more relaxed as he's not having to deal with being bound together like the three of us are.

Dante finally parts his lips to speak and says, "The winter solstice is within the next couple of months..." he eyes Rose briefly before he finishes, "I'll need to travel to pick up my selection."

I can see a lot working behind Rose's eyes as her thoughts begin to process the end of this year...

"Unless," Dante's next remark brings her to awareness and out of her thoughts, "you are second guessing remaining as Cormac's selection."

My muscles instantly tense, unsure of exactly what he's playing at. While I try not to glare at him, knowing this will only cause further suspicion to arise from Arthur, Rose replies thoughtfully, "As much as I'd love to stay in the same room with you...I think Cormac and I have a lot to talk about and smooth over even before we arrive at Arthur's estate."

"Besides," I finally throw in as my muscles relax at her affirmation, "if you show up with Rose, the council will kill you on site."

"I'm well aware of that," Dante replies, his hand reaching out to the closed file and flicking it open, "I was merely checking to make sure Rose and you will be cordial and not screw up a very fine line we are all treading on."

"And why is that?" she asks, Marc also shifting his attention fully onto me at my words that she questions.

I nod at Dante and then lock my gaze with hers, "He's a Matz. The council assumes he's a half brother and is just a vampire...after what happened with evidence of a werewolf springing you free in Taft's dungeon, any suspicions they have will be confirmed that Dante is more than likely a hybrid if he arrives with you in tow."

Marc leans forward, his eyes landing on the paper as I catch sight of it as well while Marc questions, "What's this?"

"My selection," Dante's reply laces with a tone of arrogance, like Marc should have already known at this point in our plan. I grow defensive toward Marc, knowing out of any of us, he prefers to not play games...which is why he'll be long gone with Rose by the time the last move needs to be played. Dante moves the top paper from the file to the side, revealing a second page beneath and as he does so, he notes, "One fault on our part and game over, we're all dead."

I also furrow my brows and murmur under my breath, "Half-breed," Marc glancing up to stare directly at Dante as I begin to understand why his previous selection was so strong in her own right. The girl appears to be no more than fifteen years old, dark complexion with curly black hair...her brown eyes gazing back.

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