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~Year 2091-Spring-

Cormac, Taft...he...

I know Kev...

What do you want me to do?

"Cormac..." Dante's voice is hard after he'd hung and redialed a few times...only this time, I answered. There is a moment of silence before he asks, "What happened?"

I swallow the knot at the edge of my throat before I inform him, "Rose...Taft took her..."

"Wait, I'm confused," he's on edge and I hear the car he's in screech to a halt. He hadn't returned to his estate yet.

"I told her the truth," I sit on the edge of the bed while shaking my head.

Dante asks with concern, "What truth? What did you do?"

"She was going to bond with me...though the blood memories..." my voice trails off until I gather a firm grip on my voice before admitting once again, "I killed her mother, Dante...I killed her...she wouldn't let me explain and demanded I break the only tie I had to her with the bracelet. Taft caught her escaping and now..."

Cormac? What are we going to do?

Dante is silent for a few moments before he replies, "I'm coming back," he pauses a moment as I hear the engine accelerating before he finishes, "get Marc and wait in the forest off the passageway you use."

"Okay," I stand to my feet, readying myself to inform Kev of the change of plans.

Dante clears his throat before stating, "One more thing."

"Yes?" I question while treading lightly at the sound of his voice.

"You better have a damn good explanation as to why you killed her mother..." his voice is on edge and I know everything will be out in the open soon...though I wish Rose would have listened. He hangs up the phone and I immediately change clothes, knowing if we can get her back, she won't be brought back here.

Dante won't allow that.

After I've shown I can't protect her...

...he's going to ensure she can't be harmed again by others. He will protect her at all costs...



Tell Missy you are going away for a meeting and won't be back until further notice.

There's not hesitation when he responds, Of course.

As I throw my coat on, the sound of the door opening and closing meets my ears. Turning to the side, I see Kev...his eyes search mine while he shuts the door behind him. He breathes in deeply before he sincerely says, "I'm so...so sorry."

"It's not your fault..." my voice trails off before I walk past him, setting my hand on the doorknob before I slowly pull it open, "...she ran because she saw me as the monster she's been raised to hate. That has nothing to do with you..."


Before he can finish that sentence, I step out into the hallway. Shutting the door behind me, I lean my back against it for a moment.

Marc's going to kill me...

After breathing out a heavy sigh, I leave through the back patio door to the estate. Cautiously, I look out as the grounds are silent...walking in the direction of the forest and just as I reach the treeline, I take off through the trunks. Weaving my way through the forest, it's a little while before I reach the edge of the lake, catching sight of the cottage next to it.

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