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~Year 2091-Spring-

While Niles stands by the fireplace, contemplating logistics of the winter solstice plan before he begins to move across the room to the door, I'm stuck with my mind swarming with what Tresor has done yet again along with what might happen in the future. Not only that...the meeting just became that much more dangerous and the words I speak will determine whether or not I might fear for my life...though, I'm sure I'll come out unscathed due to Tresor needing us alive.

While my thumb is resting against my chin, brushing my finger over my lower lip, I can't help the pain and pressure weighing down as I can't make a wrong move...though I'm brought from my thoughts the second Rose calls out, "What do you mean you're leaving?"

I can hear Rose come through the door while I also feel Marc's presence before the sound of the door shutting meets my ears. My gaze is transfixed on the grassy grounds outside the window, afraid now that if I try and end Tresor's life and he catches me...and I don't succeed...Rose will pay for the consequences of my actions.

"Cormac?" Rose asks, attempting to draw me away from my thoughts.

Niles is about to leave when he mentions, "It's going to get really complicated if Cormac doesn't leave."

"But why?" Her voice trails off and all I hear is Niles exit the library. Silence surrounds us all when Marc halts his movements, feeling both of their gazes on me as I bite my tongue about everything I know. If only I could tell them everything...

...the loss of his pup.

When I inhale a deep breath and try to collect my thoughts, my muscles tense, turning away from the window and catching Rose's gaze. I motion for her to take a seat, watching as she settles into the large leather chair as Marc silently takes a seat on one of the couches near the fire. Slowly, I walk toward her, sitting directly in front of her on the opposite couch. Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my knees where I shift my gaze up to catch her eyes staring intently at me.

"Keveon was given a brief overview of what the dinner party is really about," I begin while I notice her picking at a loose thread on her jeans, her breathing remaining steady as she holds my gaze. Once I momentarily glance at Marc, I revert my attention back on her before continuing, "This is in regards to Dante as well as this past winter solstice."

"Why are you hesitant?" I know she can see it in my eyes...I'm not telling her everything and she's becoming aware of it.

I reply slowly, "Your name was mentioned, along with a list of other possible dangerous...vagrants," the words sink in when her heart skips a beat.

Marc clears his throat and states, "I thought the point of Dante rescuing Rose was to avoid her exposure?"

I eye him and reply, "True. That's what the plan was," I finish the rest of my statement to Rose, "Keveon didn't seem too worried that you were mentioned as a vagrant...but it was in regards to how you could have possibly survived the winter solstice and how I brought you back. Arthur's raised questions, ones I didn't think he would until our arrival at his estate for the solstice."

"I understand," she breathes out, much to my relief though she continues with, "however, are you not placing yourself in danger? Aohdan knows everything...aside from me being a hybrid, but who knows for how much longer..." she grows quiet for a few moments, almost caught in her thoughts before she asks, "Taft. Won't he question you?"

I nod and silence her question by replying, "I'm aware of exactly what might happen little rose and I know what I'm doing," a smirk tugs at my lips as I lean back against the couch, resting one of my arms on the back and finish, "it's about time we place some of the council members into check, right before there will be no escape from checkmate at the winter solstice. The game is set and it's ours to lose, so let's stay strong and carry on with the plan."

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