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~Year 2073-Summer-

Each year, Arthur continued to perfect the method in which we approached the winter solstice. From sacrificing humans to the wolves that would normal never harm a human so long as they stayed out of their territory, to manipulating their blood to appear as a vampire...

...nothing would stop Arthur from claiming what he believed was our innate right to rule over the world.

The blood that we drank each year from the alphas slowly made us stronger, able to command over the mightiest of wolves. Yet...Arthur would still rather use humans to ensure our lives were secured during The Hunt.

The stars fell each year near all of the estates, so no matter where the winter solstice was held, the power of the meteors created an advancement with the blood of the alphas. There's just one thing...

...for a moment, just one moment in between the blood renewal, I felt something grip hold of my soul. This feeling completely weakened not only I, but the rest of the council members that consumed the blood of the alphas. It was for this very reason that we are bound to our secrets, keeping the weakness to ourselves. If someone knew, a plan could very well be plotted out to end our lives during this one moment of weakness.

Now what an excellent idea that is...

If it wasn't for the way Delaney has been acting over the better part of close to a year, I wouldn't find myself standing in the entryway of Aohdan's estate. Having been greeted only moments before by members of his coven, I cautiously sit with patience in the library. Observing the way his slaves walk about the estate...

I know there is a change in him, yet I can't place exactly what it is.

A cry of a newborn echoes through the hallways, rubbing my forehead as I lean against the armrest of the chair. The flames consume the dying logs while the bark crackles under the pressure, a warm glow bathing the walls while flickering images dance across them. Footsteps approach the entrance to the room, my gaze lifting from the flames to meet with his own.

A hard look is set on Aohdan's features, a darkness in his eyes causing me to furrow my brows with confusion. This is not the way he acts or portrays himself, my first thought...and jumping to conclusion...is perhaps the warlocks are using him now however...

...this is not that case when a flash of anger and hurt crosses those very same eyes and change as if someone snapped their fingers.


"I told you I didn't want to see you," Aohdan's gaze darts away from mine, his eyes landing on one of the many mantle decorations. His nostrils flare when I part my lips to speak, yet I draw them into a thin line at his actions.

"Delaney says that..." my voice trials off I break the silence between us, his eyes flashing a dangerous crimson red before reverting to two malachite irises. Using caution, I gently continue, "...Taft's been spending a lot of time over here...visiting?"

Turning my obvious statement into a question, I offer Aohdan the lead. I don't know what's happened and continuing happening, but I see the way Delaney carries herself, the tears she thinks are silently being shed when we gather for meetings these past few months. She says nothing, suffering from whatever it is she's harboring in silence.

"Really? Is that all my sister has told you?" He practically sneers at me with a nasty undertone.

"Yes," I reply shortly and send a sideways glance in his direction before staring back into the flames, "why? Is there something else I should know?"

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