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~Year 2091-Spring-

"Well this should be interesting," Kev arrives at Dante's estate about three days after Marc, Rose and I have fully bonded, lingering in the entryway. Marc and Rose are standing next to one another as Dante stands with his arms crossed in front of his chest opposite them. I walk forward and greet my brother, hoping now that we are together that our connection will be restored and it really was the distance causing issues.

When I'm just about to greet him, Kev ducks past me and immediately catches Rose's gaze before wrapping her in a tight hug. While turning around, I also catch sight of Marc and Dante growling lowly as I myself am irritated that after such time he'd go straight for her.

Kev merely chuckles and pulls away from her to say, "Awe, look at all the protectors you have Rose!" He pauses a moment before he states, "Think it'll be enough?"

Dante replies once he understands the question is directed at him, "She honestly doesn't need anyone but herself, but I guess the more the merrier..." his voice trails off. He's distancing himself perhaps due to us becoming closer as he hasn't entered the mix as well as he hasn't told Marc, let alone Rose yet that he's her mate...

...he has absolutely no right to ice her out the way he is.

Hopefully...they'll figure things out while I'm gone.

"Anyways..." I cut through the tension building after Dante's notation. Turning to Rose, my hands land on her shoulders while I say, "I'll be back in about a week."

"Can I com-"

"You're sure as hell out of your mind if you think you're tagging along," Marc glowers at her before she closes her lips and sets them in a cute pout.

"Besides," Dante throws his own two cents in, "Rose still needs to train."

I can see her thoughts debating wildly in her eyes...so I slide my hands down the tops of her shoulders, down the length of her arms until I take both of her hands into mine. Bringing her knuckles against my lips, I kiss the back of each of her hands before I release them. Wrapping my arm around her lower back, I pull her close to me while my lips press gently against her own, wrapping her scent around me as even a week away is too long now.

Slowly, I want just a little more before I leave, deepening the kiss slightly before she exhales lightly. I hear Dante scoff before he turns away and mutters, "Thirty minutes...training...outside."


I know I have my reasons for the secrets I keep...but keeping your identity as her mate a secret from her is beyond me...

"Damn...didn't know I'd get a free show coming here," Kev laughs lightly, Rose's cheeks turning a light shade of red as we both pull away from one another.

I'm pleasantly surprised when Marc chuckles, "Oh...you would have gotten more than that if you'd been here a few days ago."

As Marc and I's bond to one another slowly solidifies, our own affection to one another has been a display neither of us are embarrassed or care what others judge. My bond with Marc is different than with Rose and it's no surprise as I smirk while releasing the hold I have on Rose. She's not the only one I want to say my goodbyes to...

Marc and I's lips meet with one another, releasing a deep breath as we pull away. As we press our foreheads together, skin warming at our simple touch, I tell him, "Keep our little mate safe." Marc nods and we pull away from each other, catching Rose's gaze before I note, "Play nice little rose...or else..."

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