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~Year 2090-Winter-

"Yes?" I ask reluctantly, leaning against the door frame of his office while my arms remain crossed in front of my chest. Aohdan glowers at the desk, his fingertips pressing harder together with each passing second. Glancing over my shoulder, I hear voices passing by however, Aohdan is the one to call to the girls, halting them in their tracks.

Aohdan commands, "Every last female slave is to report to the ballroom..." his voice trails off, my gaze pulling away from the girls who had paused when they were called, "...immediately."

"Yes, Master," the girls respond simultaneously, skittering off in order to inform the rest of the slaves of his wishes.

When they are out of ear shot, I arch a brow and ask, "Exactly...why did you ask for me? Are you that eager for me to take the spitfire off your hands?" Besides...I need get her alone.

"No," Aohdan responds shortly, glancing up from his desk, "at least, not yet anyways."

"So why the summons for the girls?" I unfold my arms and place my hands into my pant pockets, tilting my head to the side while Aohdan rises to his feet. There is a dark look on his face, somehow hiding a hint of remorse, yet I know his tells all too well...

Aohdan moves toward me, around his desk until he comes to stand directly in front of me. His voice is lowered, drawing me in as he says, "I've received word that one of my slaves has broken a code."

"And...you need all of them?" I question him, a light chuckle escaping my lips. It's not like Arthur is present, is he really going to go on a witch hunt with possibly ending in a false find?

His eyes flash with anger as they meet mine and he states, "One of my slaves is pregnant..."

"That's a bad thing?" I can't help but roll my eyes...this coming from the vampire who only breeds his slaves...what did he expect?

"It is when it's a vampire who's gotten the human pregnant," Aohdan's voice lowers once more however, it comes out as more of a hiss as he levels his voice out.

Ah, I see...there in lies the problem...now doesn't it?

"Well then," I step back and out of the door frame, knowing nothing can protect the girl who's broken the code...now if only we can find the vampire responsible also. I nod my head in the direction of the ballroom, "Shall we just get this over with then?"

Aohdan nods his response, beginning his long strides down the hallway as I keep pace with him. As we reach the upper landing to the staircase, I glance at him out of the corner of my eye and ask, "You're only going to have the unborn child aborted...no?"

The way Aohdan's muscles tense, the subtle hint of his jaw clenching has me wondering exactly what he plans on doing to this slave as punishment. If he's concerned about other vampires getting his slaves pregnant...maybe he should solve the problem well in advance...

"In a way...yes," he responds with a cryptic message in his words. Remaining silent, the two of us round the corner at the bottom landing, walking directly through the open ballroom doors. They close behind us, only a few girls having filed in since Aohdan had spread the word of his request. Our boots echo off the black and malachite marble flooring, working our way to the back raised platform.

As Aohdan and I stand beside one another, many different classifications of slaves enter through the doors, lining up at the far wall, including the ones I'd brought with me. When I see Rochelle, she quickly moves to the side across from the majority of the slave girls, her head bowed in respect...and fear. After a few more minutes, the last of the girls enter the ballroom, my eyes immediately landing on Rose while she follows behind two other girls, including the one from the bedroom.

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