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~Year 2091-Winter Solstice-

Dante and I...our arms surround our mate in relief, the pain ebbing away from my heart at the relief that it was her that came out on top. Warmth trails through all of us, feeling a renewed strength in myself from my arm brushing Dante's.

I feel it though, and Dante must as well when Rose fights against our embrace. We break away from her, my hands touching her shoulders as I hold her at arms-length. Her eyes are teary, my own features weary as she wants to break down this harsh wall she's created to keep out the hurt and pain...

Our gaze is deep before I breathe out softly in almost disbelief, "You're alive..."

"You taught me how to play," she replies, her voice hard and flat in its tone. It hurts the way she's emotionless, but I have to agree with her...she really did pay close attention. Noise...everything rushes around and to use as footfalls can be heard coming from both directions of the hallway, When her gaze rests back on me, she nods and finishes, "I just showed you how to win."

Void of emotion and heartless...

...unfortunately, that's what was needed and I was only strong enough to take out Tresor. Rose...she did what was meant to be of the original workings in my plan, her strength and courage shinning through though the hurt remains, unconsolidated.

Dante draws our attention and states, "I've called my coven to this spot along with the subverters, including Edeline...the pack I lead standing by at the edge of the forest," Rose's hand reaches for the grip of her gun, unholstering it while drawing it to the outside of her thigh.

How did she outsmart Arthur?

When my eyes catch hers briefly, I see the golden glint reflecting off her irises, her gaze seeming incredibly distant in the process. I look to Dante and he nods as if he understands what she's doing, but I have to stand by idly as she does what she's meant to do.

Pulling my gaze away from her, Taft and Arthur's coven members are rushing down the hallway, coming to the aid of their fallen leaders. What surprises me though...Aohdan's own coven members are trying to prevent those from advancing forward while mine come to the aid with Dante's group. There are those that attack and kill one another, turning against those who once were recognized as allies. Those ends are blurred here...

We will defend her now...

...Dante and I nodding once more at one another before we turn out backs to her sides, watching and waiting for those who might breakthrough the line of defenses that have been set. The blockade won't hold for much longer, our eyes scanning out into the back of the crowd over top.

I hardly notice as he's so small in comparison to the others...Mercury slips past Dante when I catch him standing in front of Rose in the blink of an eye. He cries out and lunges forward, "You killed my dad you fucking cunt!"

On the next beat of my heart, Rose raises her arm, Mercury had come just close enough to place his own forehead against the barrel of her suppressor. His eyes widen while his muscles freeze and tense, his heart skipping a beat before it gradually picks up to a furious speed, the sudden fear coursing through his veins. Rose stares down at him, watching the gears turning in her head...

It's when Delaney crashes through the front line of vampires, her scream filling the hallways, silencing everyone as she yells, "NO!"

Turning on my heels while Dante becomes a mirror image of me, we both set our gazes on her. My eyes fall away from Rose, watching as tears run down Delaney's cheeks before they bead off onto her clothes while she cries, "You owe me Cormac Arin!"

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