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~Year 2067-Autumn-

While the rest of the coven members mingle in the large ballroom, dinner being served within the hour, I sit with Ninette and Dante in the library. Choosing this as our meeting grounds wasn't by simple happenstance, knowing one of the passageways that connects to Kev's room leads to a specific portrait within the library.

I need to know what he sees, or if this is another trick by Tresor and now he's found another pawn to control at his disposal.

Ninette wears a long midnight blue dress that covers up over her shoulders to her neck, having removed her light coat moments before making our way to the library. On the other hand, Dante's dark shirt hugs his neckline, his slacks reflecting a semi-formal wear.

"I trust your travels were met without any hostility?" I question while taking a sip of the blood within my goblet, setting it down on the side table next to my chair. An honest question as though most humans have fallen to the code, there are still the werewolves who have all but vanished from society, hidden deep within the forests until the winter solstice...

...only then will we really know what the power of those crystals hold that Delaney is perfecting.

Ninette glances at me out of the corner of her eye, smoothing out her dress before arching a brow, "Exactly what hostilities are you referring to?" I notice a small tug at the corner of Dante's lips as he sits in a chair near the fireplace, directly across from the portrait.

"Humans?" I ask while analyzing the way her features hardly shift at the mention of their race. Better yet, when I regard her with, "Or, perhaps werewolves?" She sits up a little straighter in her chair, her eyes lingering on my own.

"I do not fear the werewolves Mr. Arin," Ninette concludes, a small shift in her eyes toward her son immediately draws my attention, yet I don't follow her gaze, "nor do the humans startle me in the slightest."

He looks fine to me...what exactly is it that you're worried about Cormac?

Kev moves into place behind the portrait and searches Dante for anything out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, it just might be me losing my mind again and I'll have to keep whatever it is I feel to myself.

Thank you.

It's all I can give my brother, not wanting to draw anymore attention toward our guests.

"Ninette ," I question, shifting slightly on my chair while asking, "what is it that you fear then?"

Dante is the one to question, "Do you fear the werewolves?" He pauses a moment when he captures my gaze and finishes, "Is that why you killed the alphas? Out of fear?"

"I never took the life of an alpha," I return, watching his demeanor transition slightly at my words. Their regard for the way the council acted on behalf of the vampire race as a whole is fascinating. From what I can gather...it appears these two are siding against the actions taken by Arthur even though it was represented as a council decision.

No wonder they speak the way they do...the perception they see within me has been painted horribly.

Ninette takes over and says, "My apologies. We only act on what information we've been given. However..." her voice trails off with a compromising tone that lingers in her voice, "...the vampire council has always represented five. Why only four now with no king?"

Dante takes particular interest in this subject, leaning to his right while touching his elbow to the armrest lackadaisically.

"Arthur does not want to take the crown and would rather an even vote be cast among the council versus one person's sole decision," I reply and before she can further engage, I quickly add, "as of the moment, his plan for four council members remains without question."

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