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~Year 2081-Winter-

"TRINITY!!" Richard's cry shakes the forest from which we emerge beyond the trunks of the trees, the same word he's been murmuring over and over again. It's funny, because by the tone in his voice, it's a mixtures of anger with a hint of regret and sadness.


~One Hour Earlier~

"There's nothing to debate about!" I slam my fist against the table, my eyes shifting from Arthur. We sit in the meeting chamber, each of us having been summoned before the winter solstice of this year as many reports have been filed with Arthur among the vampire covens of the world.

Along with those many reports is a letter from Richard himself, an individual who has begun to make a name for himself by suggesting the equality among the races once again. I'm all for that however, I know that's nowhere close to what plans Arthur has set in motion and has in store for the future of this world.

The vampires have finally claimed the world for their own...

...why would Arthur ever relinquish that power?

Willingly that is.

Among all the mess between the council, a part of me is still agitated at the fact Dante clearly saw through the deception I'd used Kev to play. He regards me as a liar and questioned whether or not I trust him. He wanted to share something with me but decided against it the moment he knew it was not I he was meeting with.

The conversation ended with him leaving before the two of us broke out into a physical altercation. The one thing Dante threatened was the identity of Kev and I quickly put him in his place, informing him if he even attempted to reveal who he is, I'd kill him shortly thereafter and leave his body for his mother to find.

After all...

...he's just a vampire...

If that's so...

...then why does my intuition tell me otherwise?

Arthur eyes me, a dark gleam in his eyes as he states, "Ignoring what the majority represent could prove fatale to not only this council, but to our species in general," he pauses a moment and reiterates, "we've attempted at coexisting...where did that get us? Nowhere."

In all our arguments...I would have expected Aohdan to take my side and understand it's not logical to kill just because of the unknown...especially if Rochelle is his beloved. Him standing by ideally is disproving my theory...

Taft glares at me and snips, "You'd rather have our power in jeopardy than squash the uprising before it begins?"

"Who said they were uprising?" Aohdan surprises me and lashes right back before Arthur can get a word in edgewise, "These are witness accounts of other vampires alone."

Arthur clears his throat and in that moment, I take a deep breath because once again, my opinion doesn't matter within this council. Arthur stands from his chair for a minute and states, "I don't think it was wrong to take a chance with Richard, allowing this hybrid into our society even after the Code of Conduct was placed into effect however..." his voice trails off while scanning through the files, "...the growing fear among the vampires is warranted. Not only their fear, but Richard's want to have equality among all the species when superior species are meant to lead is preposterous."

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