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~Year 2088-Autumn-

How is she this good at staying off the grid?

Laura's daughter continues to exceed my expectations of remaining hidden and safe. As long as I keep reassuring myself with this notion, it keeps my thoughts from wandering to the darker alternative.

Perhaps she's been captured.


...my beloved is dead and that's why I can't find her.

All this time, searching even the most remote places, those I have come across are scattered packs of werewolves. I keep away though, my distance at the edge of revealing my presence each time I come closer to finding her. Well, I myself believe that anyways, figuring if her mother raised her, she would more than likely take a helping hand from werewolves willing to give it.


...if Laura hasn't told my beloved anything, perhaps she's found alliances within the network of vagrants across the world.

I need to find her...as I can't bring Arthur down without her...Tresor has made sure of that. The threat that lingers over my head, that if I try and stand in his way again...I can't even begin to ponder whether or not the threat is an empty one, or what the consequences of my actions will bring me. I couldn't save Laura from being raped as the outcome from her and Walter was my own beloved's existence.

Tresor must have known...

...but what's so special about my beloved that he would almost kill me to ensure her existence was brought into this world. Not only that...it now occurs to me how easily it was to avoid being spotted the night I saved Laura and helped her escape.

Did Tresor ensure her safety as well?

My beloved...

...how are you involved in all of this? Are you but a pawn of the warlocks and witches? Is your existence to further destroy this world like Arthur has been guided to do?

I won't let her make choices that will jeopardize the future. If I find her, she'll become my own pawn...better mine then Tresor's.

I've almost lost track of time during the years I've been looking for her...only to halt my search during the winter solstice as I'm not sure Kev is ready to portray as I during this timeframe. I'm just glad I stay away during the other times, because Kev did exactly what I told him to.

Unfortunately...Kev isn't the only whore I know as the human slave, Missy...she's the yin to his yang. The atmosphere when I do come into the spotlight is much different, the relaxed feeling of my estate the only thing I do appreciate. It's rather nice not to see skittish girls going about their day doing work however, smiling, laughing, yet at the same time, respectful girls move through the hallways.

It's that time again, even though the winter solstice isn't near, it's time I rest for awhile and finish letting Kev know of the plan I have come up with. If my beloved isn't a pawn of Tresor's and I can influence her first, it will be possible by her hand for Arthur to fall.

Getting back onto my estate grounds has become second nature, slipping through the shadows of the night until I reach one of the secret passageways to Kev's chambers. I know he'll either be in the bedroom or roaming the grounds, so I'll wait for him to come to me and it'll allow me time to relax a moment.

I'll be in your room.

I'm sure to connect with Kev prior to moving further into the estate grounds.

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