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~Year 2091-Summer-

"I'm on my way back and will arrive earlier then the week I mentioned to Rose," I call Dante as I'm driving from Arthur's estate grounds. The meeting carried over an extra day to reaffirm that we were all on the same page. I'm clearly not on that page...

Dante replies, "Marc is actually here on speaker, Kev is already asleep..."

"Good..." my voice trials off, "...is Rose around?"

"She's asleep as well," Marc replies as they both shift in their seats from wherever they are sitting.

Inhaling a depth breath I exhale and state, "We're changing plans. I'd already anticipated this, but after the meeting it confirms everything..."

"What do you mean?" Dante asks in return.

"Rose and Marc will not be apart of this plan," it's hard for me to do this, but it's the right thing to do.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," Marc is slightly taken aback.

I'm quiet for a moment before I admit, "Rose deserves a loving, caring, kind and generous mate that will always place her above everything else...Marc, she needs you far more than Dante or I. Though she's a hybrid, it's clear that if she were to have one mate, it would be you."

Dante is quiet for a moment, and I wonder if he agrees with me since he is also a hybrid...that is until he says, "Cormac is right...as I mentioned before, I'll do anything to save another hybrid, though as I'm not bound to her...there's no lasting connection."

"There is a high chance that Arthur will bite Rose to figure out a multitude of questions he has...he already knows she's a vagrant and has never followed the code prior to coming into Aohdan's possession...so he'll want to know her past...all of it."

I turn down another road onto the freeway and I hear Marc say, "He'll kill her."

"No, not right away," I continue, "he'll want to use her against us without us knowing...though he'll know the plan we have already told her and screw with our chances of ending the council. I betrayed the council, so he'll seek to wreck havoc on me specifically."

"You're a chess master Cormac..." Dante's voice trials off in admiration before he asks, "...you know how to place the pieces right into place...what would you have us do instead?"

I've been thinking long and hard about this and if putting Rose's life above all else means I might not have a future with her should something go wrong, then I'm willingly to do what's necessary to win. After a few moments of silence to myself, I begin to explain the change, "Marc...I'll need you to leave early from Dante's estate and meet with Keir. I want you to be set with him and your packs up at the base of the mountain near Arthur's grounds," I pause a moment and tell Dante, "I want Niles to go with them...he understands Rose's biology more so than I would trust any other werewolf doctor..."

Dante replies easily with, "Of course...I agree. If anything should happen to her before The Hunt, he'll be able to take care and access her injuries."

"Dante, whatever selection you choose this year..." I already know about the weapons, I put everything together overtime, "...make sure they have weapons and gear for Rose should she not be provided with anything of her own. Have your selection notify Rose of where she will be meeting Marc and what the change of plan is after she's aware from Arthur."

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