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~Year 2090-Winter-

"Cormac," I hear Arthur's voice before I see him. Turning around from the upper level nearing the library, I see him approaching me. There is something unsure lingering in his eyes and I'm reminder that he'd had a chat with Aohdan about the two selections he'd have to run by Arthur first.

Having to select two...it was something Arthur always liked to be in the loop about as you had twice the opportunity to select candidates that could bring in an alpha. I do wonder now who it is he's chosen.

I stand by with my hands in my pant pockets, noticing how quiet the estate is now that Arthur had announced that selection would be soon and with that, the games are about to really begin.

Once he reaches me, he halts and questions, "Are you aware of Aohdan's method of selection this year?"

Why would I?

We aren't exactly seeing eye to eye right now and he knows I'm playing him perfectly.

"Method?" An odd word of choice coming from Arthur.

He shifts slightly and withdraws a piece of paper from his pant pocket, extending his arm and allowing me to take it from him. While I'm unfolding it, Arthur continues, "I was a bit concerned with the non-solidified choice, opting to take a different route however..."

Arthur's voice trails off as my eyes scan the letter...

Effective immediately, anyone who so much as speaks a single word to my personal slave, Rose Wood, will be offering themselves as my selection for the winter solstice, deciding for me.

If no one breaks their silence, male slaves will be spared this year, their attendance not required.

My selections are:

Rochelle Lynn and Warren Lewis.

Remember, should anyone violate my order, they themselves will be offered as my selections.

-Fourth Council Member Aohdan Starr

"...can you explain to me the reasoning behind the isolation of his personal slave?" Arthur draws me from my thoughts, analyzing the meaning behind this letter.


He's opting to place his own beloved in harms way...

...has he figured out that Rose means much more to me than a simple slave?

Is this a message to me or Rose?

Or...is he finally frustrated to the point he knows he'll never be able to claim Rochelle and he's going to let the wolves end her life instead of him having to do so?

The light clicks on, a thought flashing through my mind.

Rochelle maybe the only leverage that can be used against him...especially if he's planning another way to dispose of Rose...he'll be left in the clear.

He's trying to play me in more than one way, knowing if he does anything to her, I will tell Arthur...yet, I can't stop others from treating her with a cold shoulder even though it is an order of his.

She's stronger than that.

She doesn't need the humans here to make her strong...forming ties with them now will only make her weak and vulnerable.

"Let's be honest, Aohdan is acting childish about being caught in a lie," I lift my gaze from the letter. Arthur chuckles at that notion and shakes his head while I return the paper to him.

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