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~Year 2090-Winter-

As I lean against the door opposite the dungeon, I pray that he's not touched her yet...better yet, I want to know the real reason he's lying about why Rose is about to be punished. Without another thought, the door opens and my eyes meet with Aohdan's as his flash with anger, "What do you want?"

The truth.

Rose is a hybrid...moron.

So...she saw something within your blood memories...

...what did she see?

"I'm curious..." my voice trails off as I tilt my head to the side and question, "...what are you going to do to her?"

What type of punishment does she deserve for discovering something she probably shouldn't have?

Maybe I should have just dealt with the reaction that would have come with giving her my blood when Aohdan originally asked.

"If she's lucky," I see him glance away for just a second and state, "I'll kill her quickly."

Hmmm...and how exactly did Rose create an ingenious plan to allow a vampire to slip into his estate? Then...manage to make it look like she's the victim when he attacks her...for what purpose?

One of your worse lies and you'll be tripped up very soon...

My muscles tense though, at the mere mention of him killing Rose as a suiting punishment.

...what did you see little rose?

"How did a simple human manage to allow a vampire into your estate?" I question him, arching a brow while he ponders this thought.

"I don't know...yet," it's quite funny how easily Aohdan's tell is...does he even know how terrible at lying he is?

"If she let him in...then why did he try to kill her?" My eyes immediately narrow on him, challenging the very idea that what he claims, couldn't possibly have happened.

Aohdan's eyes shift the second I hear Rose's heart skip a beat and begin to accelerate, waking from being hit in the face by Aohdan. He's debating something, though I can't quite figure out what, yet he nods in my direction and states, "Why not go make yourself useful and take over for me while I deal with Rose."

Ha...not on your life.

I waited for her before...I'll do it again.

Aohdan turns away from me without another word, opening the door to the dungeon before it closes behind him. Pushing away from the opposite door, I come to stand right next to the wall, unable to hear anything, but at least I can feel Rose closer.

It's quite awhile before anything changes...

...but when it does, I can feel her erratic heartbeat escalating out of control, the uneasiness of it returning to a normal rhythm far off on the horizon.


My eyes widen at the sound of her screams echoing from the other side of the door, the terror and pain gurgling in the back of her throat as her heart begins to slow down for a moment. My hand grasps the door handle, testing it only to confirm that Aohdan had indeed locked it...


I grab my cellphone from my pant pocket, stepping back a few paces as I select Delaney's number. It rings a few times before she answers and asks, "Cormac?"

"Where's Taft?" I hastily ask her...it's the only time I'd be happy to see is smug face.

"Uh...he left a few-" she's cut off for a moment and in the background of the call I hear Mercury asking, "Is it daddy?" There's another pause before she replies, "No, go play in the living room."

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