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~Year 2090-Winter-



As Rose and I stand beside one another in the large indoor pool house, I can see the stunned expression on her face as to the mirror she is about to clean.

He makes her feel at ease.

He makes her laugh.

What is Warren to her?

Well, I hope she's up for a challenge because now I'm going to turn her chore into a game. I see her shift slightly when I ask, "Do you think you can clean this mirror in twenty minutes?"

Complete it...

...and I won't bring up the chocolate.


...and we'll have a nice long chat about breaking Aohdan's command under his roof where I do have some authority, but not enough to save her from herself should she continue to act out without a second thought.

"Yes," she replies yet there is this look resting on her face I can't quite figure out while she quickly finishes up with, "Sir, I thought you said cleaning mirrors wasn't the only thing I am good for."

Well then...so you want to play a different game?

Arching a brow, I turn away from the mirror and glance at her. As I set down the spray bottle and rag I'd gotten for her on one of the benches lining the mirrored wall, I tilt my head to the side and question, "Are you tired of cleaning mirrors?"

"Yes Sir," her eyes reflect a shadow of a doubt at what I might have her do next.

Maybe she should be careful playing with fire...

...there's only so much taunting I can take before I quickly force her into her place.

Rose is completely unprepared for the quickness in my actions, the air leaving her lungs the second I snatch both of her wrists into my hand, moving her forward until her body is pressed against the mirror. Her breathing is uneven, her eyes staring sideways out the glass windows as I restrain her wrists at her lower back. I can hear the beat of her heart skip when my body presses against her own, the warmth from her skin drawing me in closer, the pulsation of the blood rushing through her veins calling me.

My warm breath fans her exposed skin, goosebumps spreading out across her flesh as I hear her swallow hard. Closing my eyes, I have to inhale a deep, steady breath as I ask with a raspy undertone, "Would you like to clean something else little rose?"

I can practically feel the chill that crawls down her spine at my words, squirming slightly in my grasp and I can't help but chuckle. I wonder very much so...

Rose responds with a whisper, "N-No Sir."

Awe, that's too bad...

...once again, I'd rather her be a naughty slave, but it seems I won't catch a break myself and she'll have to be left with the decision she's made.

It's enticing though, the sweet scent of her blood mixed with a fresh scent of roses, unconsciously brushing my lips down the side of her neck. Her warm skin is pleasant, trailing my lips down her neck until I come to the soft spot of her neck.

This, this is reserved for her mate...

Inhaling deeply, I let her scent surround me, allowing it to fill my senses as she's the only one I'd willingly allow to corrupt me...

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