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~Year 2090-Winter-

If you don't break the two of them up now, I'm pulling you back into your hidden room!

Kev was in the middle of fucking Missy when I know I'm not the only one who can her Kendra and Rose arguing to the point I know she's going to lose it. I've moved through the passageways, nearing the top area of the room all three of the girls share now.

Cormac...seriously...right n-now?!


I know I've just cock blocked his release when he leaves a very nasty vibe with my thoughts. He's already too late when I see Rose knock Kendra out cold, though she screams at the top of her lungs in frustration. Moments later, my eyes land on the door practically being ripped off its hinges at how angry Kev is from having to leave Missy.

It doesn't help in the slightest as Kev's thrown together appearance reflect he's been having sex. He had barely thrown on a pair of pants while he hadn't thought to add a shirt.

As he moves closer to Kendra's unconscious body and Rose, I feel her doubt, her pain as she screams once again. This time, her anger escalates as a few other coven members move through the open doorway. Kev is completely caught off guard as Rose kicks out her feet after planting her hands on the marble floor, knocking him on his ass. After everything she's feeling and going through, I hardly blame her and in fact...I wish I was the one she could take her anger out on.

Well...I'll give her a tally point on that one...

She deserves better...though she's not said once that she wants to bond with me. After this display of complete and utter disregard for her feelings, I can understand everything...

I'm going to bite her...

Do it and I'll rip your own throat out...

I know he's angry at her actions, though he has to understand how she feels...how I feel.

Before Rose understands what's happened, two of my coven members have restrained her against the wall, holding each of her arms at her side. A final one stands before her, his hand crushing her jaw as she squirms under his red irises. I wouldn't expect any less of a reaction from my coven...

Each time she struggles, his grip intensifies while Kev slowly gets to his feet, glaring at her angrily. When Rose releases a cry, the pain overwhelming her...I'm about to put Kev into his place when he surprises me and says, "Release her."

The hold they have on her is gone a second later, Kev glancing down at Kendra as he is quiet for a few seconds before he orders, "Take Kendra to recover in a private room, with two other slaves that you see fit to aid her when she wakes."

I can hear Rose's heart race as the vampires lift Kendra's body from the floor and leave the room with her. The moment my gaze travels back to Kev, I see the tension between the two of them, Rose's apprehension warranted.

Be nice...

Kev crosses his arms over his chest and asks, "What did you do, slave?"

"Oh, I figured that was quite obvious Sir, considering she was knocked out cold," Rose is angry and sarcastic in her response.

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