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~Year 2084-Spring-

Over the past year, Kev's senses and sharpness is returning to what it once was before our parents' deaths. It continues to haunt me that I keep this secret from him, for he asked me just last week if he might be the one to visit with them. It feels like a hand grasps my heart each time he requests this, shrugging him off and informing him that unfortunately, it's not a good idea and he might come into the light and be discovered.

I sicken myself by continuing the charade that they truly are alive...

...I felt their deaths however, now I truly know Kev's presence here is only due to this dark magic of warlocks and witches. Technically he died, so whatever is keeping him here doesn't bind his essence...

He can't feel anything which makes me wonder if he'll technically never have a beloved as he died and severed whatever connection was once there when he was born. The only thing I question, is how I'm able to connect with him. Our own bond should have been destroyed like his with our parents, yet that doesn't appear to be the case.

Releasing a sigh, I take the handle of my bedroom into my hand, stepping out into the hallway...only to run into Abigail as she stops abruptly. Her eyes meet with mine while I close the door silently behind me.

Her eyes shift back and forth, searching my features and it's when I see her briefly glance down that I ask without hesitation, "What's wrong?"

"Cormac, I-"

Before she can say anything else, one of the human slave girls appears at the other end of the corridor. She approaches without fear as I've shown mostly kindness to those under my roof, but she quickly shows me respect by saying, "Master Cormac, a letter came for you."

I never really cared for the rule of never speak unless spoken to...thankfully, the girls have learned that rather quickly.

A letter?

"Abigail-" she quickly raises her hand when I turn my attention back on her, shaking her head as she knows my duties are first and foremost to the council...


A phone call would have been easier.

The girl presents the envelope and I furrow my brows with confusion the second I recognize the hand writing belongs to Delaney. Taking the envelope from the girl, I reply, "Thank you, slave."

The girl takes off to go about her day, leaving Abigail and myself standing in stunned silence...

...I'm not the only one who recognizes the handwriting.

"Were you expecting something from Delaney?" Abigail asks with her own confusion at the sudden turn of events.

"Not at all..." I flip the envelope over and tear it open, withdrawing a letter before I quickly scan what it contains.


I sincerely hope this finds you and that you are keeping well. If you haven't been informed, I gave birth to my first born a few days ago. He's a beautiful baby that takes on most of my dominant features.

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