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~Year 2091-Spring-

This place...

While Dante leads Marc and I through the front doors of his estate, I'm very much taken aback at what he had mentioned. True to his word, he wasn't lying when he said he was a pack alpha long with representing a vampire coven. Perhaps...

...hybrids really are meant to lead as they aren't only more powerful, but they are understanding of the two species.

Almost running into us from around the corner, a man regards Dante before he's introduced as, "This is my pack doctor Niles."

"You weren't kidding when you said you'd be bringing a council member here..." Niles' voice trails off as he regards both Marc and I before he turns to Marc and offers a friendly welcome.

"We have a little problem," Dante informs him and he continues to walk in the direction of a long hallway. Moments after we arrive outside of the door, he opens it and ushers us both inward while Niles stands off to the side, his gaze flickering from us all.

It had taken us a few days to get back to his estate and in that time, the apprehension we all hold only grows as though we are separated...

...Marc and I can feel the pain she's in.

We're not sitting in the office longer than a few minutes before Dante states, "I will go and get Rose."

"I don't know or trust you," Marc retorts rather quickly.

"So...you're telling me you want you to get killed on Taft's estate, is that correct?" Dante arches a brow and then glances at me. He asks, "Do you have anything to say?"

I shake my head and reply, "No," Marc growls at the way I give in to Dante, but it's practical actually. I turn my attention on Marc and explain, "Marc, if I go, Taft has reason to believe there's something else between Rose and I. If you go...you'll be killed, there's just no way one alpha can take on his coven let alone break in wherever he's holding Rose," I pause a moment and then nod at Dante, "With him being a hybrid and with the council already skeptical about him..."

"It's easier for them to believe it's me," Dante reaffirms what I'm trying to explain to Marc. I don't doubt the need for him to find her as do I, though if we aren't smart about it...death will soon follow rash decisions. He then releases a sigh and says, "Taft's estate isn't far from here, an hour at best so I'll leave the moment I can connect with her."

Marc questions him, "How are you able to do that? I can't even connect with her wolf slowly making its presence known."

"The full moon is tonight..." my voice trials off.

Marc tenses at my words and says, "She's going to shift..." his eyes widen and I see the pain behind them when he states, "...they're going to kill her!"

"They won't," Dante reassures him. He takes a moment to rest his forearms on the desk before his eyes slowly ebb to their reddish orange, Marc jumping at the sight. Dante eyes him with a smirk on his face before he says, "I'm going to try and reach her, she's been in and out of conscious so I've not been able to establish a lasting connection."

It's interesting though...

...he doesn't speak using his mind only, his tone affected when he asks, "Where are you?"

Marc and I are silent, watching as he appears to be staring off between the two of us before the tone switches and he informs us, "She believe's she's safe."

The tone once again switches as he connects with her, "You sure as hell aren't. Where are you Rose? Tell me now."

Why would she believe she's safe?

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