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~Year 2090-Winter-

I release a small sigh, my back against the wall as I wait around the corner of the hallway to our rooms. Arthur, Taft and Aohdan had long gone to give their selections the clothes they wish to wear this evening...Rose had a special request, one that Aohdan was completely irate about. When I informed her of the choice of clothing was whatever the selection wished, her eyes immediately lit up.

It's amazing though, remembering the look in Aohdan's eyes when he begrudgingly shoved Rose's riding clothes to me, slamming his door shut without another word. While she was getting ready with Rochelle, the rest of the council had begun to line up before the runic symbols however...

...I think it's time we have a little chat.

Not a second later does Dante walk around the corner, my arms lashing out while my hands grasp the front of his shirt. He's taken aback while his eyes widen the second his back hits the wall my own had been occupying a few moments earlier. After preventing himself from the whiplash the back of his head almost sustained, he narrows his eyes on mine.

"You," I glare at him, his eyes sparking for a moment and that's when I see a golden glint flicker across the surface, narrowing my eyes as I hiss, "hybrid."

Dante doesn't respond the way I would have thought...instead, he knocks my hands off of him, rolling his shoulders while straightening the cuffs of his jacket. A moment later, he leers at me, "Took you far too long game master..."


Dante chuckles and shakes his head, interrupting me before he states, "Mr. Arin, I do believe we are on the same side here..." his voice alters, lowering a moment before he finishes, "...we have much to discuss."

"Let's start with this one, shall we?" I question while crossing my arms in front of my chest, "Why did Arthur grant you title of fifth council member?"

He arches a brow and states, "When I mentioned we have much to discuss...I meant for a different time and place..."

When I say nothing in return, he releases a sigh and murmurs, "Here's something worth trusting..." he pauses a moment and chuckles, "you hope for your beloved to find her werewolf mate tonight, yes?"

He knows...

Another few seconds of silence surround us before he nods, "I thought so," his eyes close for a moment before he rubs his forehead, "we'll talk after the night is up..." his eyes snap open and the full golden irises reflect back at me, "...then you'll understand everything that I'm aware of."

"Then follow me now," I order him however, he merely shrugs his shoulders.

He nods at me and says, "I'll be along in a moment, I have to catch my selection up in regards about tonight's affairs."

"Very well..." my voice trails off, eyeing him suspiciously before I take my leave, heading down toward the top landing of the staircase. In one of my hands, I clutch the crystal snowflake pendent just under the hem of my jacket, knowing this will draw forth the wolves to Rose and the other girls. While the coolness of the banister slides beneath of my palm, I can't help but shake the feeling of what's to come. Dante knows much, much more than I do, but more importantly...

...why did Arthur allow him access to the fifth council member position?

Those answers better be the first thing that comes out of his mouth after the night's end. When I reach the back patio area, it appears the selections are still preparing, making my way toward the runic symbols. Taft appears to be gazing off in the distance, his eyes cold and fixated on something hidden within the forest. Even I believe he's scared that perhaps these runes won't always provide the safety they surround us in on this night.

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