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~Year 2067-Winter-

The past few weeks have completely changed the way this world has been spinning for us all. Early January still carries a bitter chill from the frigid weather of winter. I haven't seen a signal sign of the werewolves, most going into the deep depths of the forest and after what happened...

...I can't blame them.

We did something that shouldn't have happened. Arthur was the driving force behind Walter's actions. They got what they wanted. We are now in the spotlight however, it's not in a way I would have preferred.

"Cormac?" Walter's voice carries over everyone disputing among themselves as we sit around the council table. Aohdan is arguing with Taft while Arthur tries to mediate between the two of them. It's not going well and once I hear my name spoken, I lift my gaze to meet with Walter's.

I furrow my brows in confusion and ask, "Now what did you expect to happen?"

The second I break my silence, Aohdan halts his disagreement with Taft, his malachite eyes landing on me. Taft isn't far behind and also becomes intrigued with what I have to say.

"We have to get the humans to stand down or they're going to end up killing us off with their weapons," Arthur glowers angrily as if I'm not a solution to the problem.

Guess what?

I'm not here to clean up after the mess they got us all into and the only way I sadly see this going is if we exude more dominance over the world, but I'd never suggest that. We can't go back to the way we were...

"I warned you," I release a sigh leaning onto my left forearm, ignoring Arthur while I set my sight on Walter.

Taft rolls his eyes and states, "Well, we'd still be sitting on the sidelines if it weren't for what we did."

"Is this really any better?" I narrow my eyes on him next and question, "Or do you enjoy humans coming to your estate and shooting your coven members?" I take a moment to eye Aohdan and say, "I'm sure Delaney is very safe with you and not with her brother."

Taft snarls back, "I can protect my beloved," he slams his fists onto the table, "worry about yourself!"

Arthur rubs his forehead and says, "Maybe it's time we try and set some ground rules down with the humans?" He drops his hand and looks toward his brother for support, "Physically they are weaker."

Ground rules?

The humans aren't our children. We are imposing upon them and now Arthur wants us to take control over their actions.

Walter shakes his head, "No. If we do that, they will retaliate further and it'll end in more lives lost on both sides."

"How about we kill one of the human world leaders?" Taft suggests with a wave of his hand as if that'll fix the problem.

"Because that worked so well with the werewolves," I shift back into my chair, the sound of the doors to the meeting chamber opening quietly. My gaze travels and lands on the she-wolf that Walter had decided to keep as a slave through Arthur's suggestion...

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