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~Year 2090-Winter-

The girl remains quiet, her heart skipping every other beat as my hand continues to hold her upper arm. I've never seen her before in Aohdan's estate, so I ask, "You're new, aren't you?"

"Yes Sir," she replies, but I catch a hint of uneasiness in her tone, not quite sure exactly what I'm going to do with her.

A chuckle leaves my lips, but I catch myself from the sudden surprising feeling that radiates from our point of contact. It's a small and dull warmth, a lightness tickling my skin, almost as if her own is playfully welcoming me.

I think...


I need to know.

It throws her off when I ask, "How old are you?"

"Twenty three," she responds with haste, my fingers slightly digging into her skin of their own accord. It's funny...

...she believes I'm upset she didn't respond properly however...

...it has to be her...it has to be...

Not wanting to give myself away or appear off from the appearance we had made ourselves as council members, I ask, "Forgot something?"

"Sir," she spits out with hate hidden to the untrained ears.

I remain silent for a moment, my heart beating fast at the warmth that lingers from where I continue to hold her. Lifting my arm, I slowly bring my fingers to rest just beneath of her chin, but she immediately flinches at my action, attempting to pull away from my grip. I don't allow her to leave so easily...I want to look upon the face of this woman...

My fingers tighten on her chin, not wanting to, but forcing her gaze up to meet with my own. Her deep cobalt eyes appear bewildered the second they meet with my own, the stray strands of her rose gold hair brushing against the sides of her cheeks. Her beauty is absolutely breathtaking, attempting to clear my thoughts as I question her further, already knowing the answer for this vagrant, "How many owners have you had?"

She will respond with none, my thoughts wandering to how Aohdan came into possession of her and why he didn't kill her on sight.

She breathes out very carefully before she states, "None that can compare to my...Master."


I'm calling your bullshit...

...let's see how long and how far you are going to take this little lie of yours.

You'll learn very quickly that I do love games...

"Oh? Compare how?" A devilish smirk works its way up onto my lips and I can see the way it makes her nervous.

"I-I-" she's at a complete loss for words, assuming I would have just dropped the conversation after her response. I've thrown her off guard...now to test her further. Plus, I want a nice clean bathroom and if I get to watch her do just that...

"Well then," I glance away from her, leading her in the direction of the bathroom door that is slightly ajar. When I open it the rest of the way, I lead her inside, only letting go of her arm once we are in front of the sink. The girl touches both of her hands against the edge of the granite counter top, her gaze averting from mine once again. Shaking her up further, I say, "Why don't you finish cleaning this bathroom and think about how Aohdan compares to others."

The disdain fills her voice when she reaches out for the spray bottle and rag she's been given for chores, "I only clean mirrors, Sir."

That's it?

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