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~Year 2091-Winter-

As we make our way into the entryway, I catch Rose and Missy glancing all around the castle, neither of them having experienced a place like this before.

"Will your slaves be staying with you or at the group housing unit?" Arthur asks, his voice remaining even and when his eyes fall on Rose and Missy, their bracelets glint the lighting from overhead, reminding him who they belong to...for the meantime.

I'm silent for a moment, debating and weighing my choices and I'm actually impressed when Rose doesn't offer me a nasty remark at my decision when I make the smart choice of not showing favoritism, "All of my slaves will stay in the housing unit separate from your estate."

Missy's face drops the second I reveal to Arthur my final decision, her eyes almost watery. I'm proud of my little rose, keeping her emotions in check as we are hardly through the starting gates...

I see the game you're playing.

Rose's thoughts slip through my mind and I mentally shake my head...

...I don't believe you'll ever see the game I'm playing, though you're picking up on the way I select my moves.

Arthur snaps his fingers and immediately there are four female slaves at his sides. When I take a quick look over them, I notice that none of them are wearing a bracelet signifying their position as a personal slave...these are his normal slaves. His voice is decisive and even when he orders, "Show your fellow slaves to their quarters for the remainder of the winter solstice," the girls move forward toward my slaves, Rose and Missy are among those as they beckon them down the center hallway.

Another moment later Arthur snaps his fingers once again and this time, two girls with bracelets reflecting the elegantly engraved letters: Valentine, emerge and near me. Arthur nods, "Please show the third council member to his chamber."

I can hear Rose's heart skip a beat, though she continues to remain calm and levelheaded, especially when Arthur scans over my slaves once more. Walking behind the girls toward the staircase, Rose's gaze locks with mine though I'm uncertain of what will happen her being with the rest of the slaves. She stares at me, almost like she's figuring everything out...though she's nowhere close.

You have no idea what game I am playing little rose.

I turn to face away form her, following Arthur's personal slaves up to my room before they are quick to disperse afterward. Interestingly enough, from the window of my room, I glance out across the grounds, seeing a light coming from the castle as the girls will move across the snow to the housing unit.

I want to make sure Rose isn't treated any differently...otherwise it'll just raise more warning bells to Arthur's already questioning mind.

Fucking asshole. Fuck you!

A smirk plays on my lips while I cross my arms in front of my chest, watching as she leaves with the rest of the slaves.

I'll fuck yours if you don't stop complaining.

Though, I'm quite sure she'd rather enjoy that as opposed to being in the same building with Missy.

You're not being very nice...

As she reaches the housing unit, I shake my head and release a chuckle. She connects with me again...

...you could have at least given us clothes so we wouldn't practically freeze to death!

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