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~Year 2091-Spring-

Marc left about a half hour ago, the three of us having created such a beautiful warmth I must say it was really upsetting that he was leaving for the time being. Rose's breathing is even, feeling her breath tickle my chest as her steady heart beats evenly. I rest my hand on the side of her waist, my gaze falling on her as she begins to stir slightly.

When she lifts her chin, her brows are furrowed while her eyes blink a few times to understand that I'm laying beside her. She inhales sharply and asks, "Why are you staring at me?" She pauses a moment, breaking her gaze away from mine while she scans the room quickly before asking, "Or better yet...why are we in bed together?"

A light chuckle escapes my lips and she appears confused when she gives me her full attention. I brush the pad of my thumb against her bare skin, enjoying the way it feels against mine as I inform her, "It wasn't just the two of us in bed together little rose."

"What are you talking about?" Her heart skips a beat while I see she's trying to recollect her thoughts of what happened yesterday.

I can't help the amused look that crosses my features at how she'd acted, though she stares at me blankly. She waits for me to clarify what it is I'm finding humorous, though instead of answering her question I ask her with concern, "How are you feeling?"

"You're dodging the subject," she narrows her eyes for a moment before she understands what she went through and sighs, "I'm not in any pain if that's what you want to know," it's hard holding back the laugh, though she gazes at me quizzically before asking, "what's this all about-"

I suddenly shift closer to her while she moves away, only to move above her, laying her quickly flat out on her back against the sheets. The air leaves her lungs in the process, chuckling at her confusion while my knees rest on either side of her waist. Only in my boxers, the covers drape over the two of us, part of my hair covering my left eyes as I stare down at her for but a brief moment. I lower my lips down closer to her ear, hearing her heartbeat increase by the passing second.

I see the goosebumps spread out across the top layer of her skin when my breath fans against her flesh before I huskily whisper into her ear, "I'm not sure you're quite ready to have two, big throbbing cocks pounding you into submission just yet, so let's try one for now."

The heat quickly rises in her cheeks, the redness overtaking her embarrassment before I lift my lips away from her ear and smirk. Our eyes are locked as she attempts to get out, "I-I," though she's quick to turn another shade of red before she states, "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

I chuckle once again, tracing my fingertips delicately from the top of her shoulders, down the length of her arms while I say, "You were pretty much begging Marc and I to fuck you to the point of not even knowing your own name."

"I would never-" a gasp leaves her lips the second I wrap my hands around both of her wrists, lifting them up and pinning them above her head. I soon change my grip, capturing both of her wrists with just a single hand as my other cups one of her still very red cheeks.

I love the way she looks under me...

...though she'll never be beneath of me.

"Are you quite sure about that?" My hand trail down her neck, my fingertips ghostly brushing over the exposed parts of her skin while I feel her shudder pleasurably beneath my touch.

Her voice is uneven as she asks, "W-Where's M-Marc?"

I knew she was going to ask...time to inform her that we've come to an agreement on a few things...

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