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~Year 2067-Night of the Winter Solstice-
~Winter Solstice 2067 is the year Rose was born in.

The crystals that littered the castle grounds the year prior aren't necessarily what I am concerned about this year. Instead, they have a new addition to the mix.

Standing before the castle doors, I gaze up at the top of the castle, a very large snowflake crystal having been embedded into the highest point of one tower. It appears to dwarf the structure's size that it sits upon, a dark shadow looming across the grounds though it does not come from the crystal itself.

Arthur had been right.

Like clockwork last year, the stars fell the same night, covering the land in a glow while they descended to the surface.

Releasing a sigh, I lead my coven through those foreboding doors, making our way in to settle ourselves for the afternoon. It won't be long before darkness blankets the land while death's embrace captures those that are unfortunate to come close to this area. Even though the werewolves may run far and hide, I don't know what this new crystal will do that may result in a much more powerful pull.

Taft is sitting in the living room and when I move into the room further, I halt immediately. I want to throttle him for he is surrounding himself with more human slaves than I could have imagined. They way he carries himself and interacts with them makes me question his bond with Delaney.

"You finally arrived!" He exclaims the moment his gaze lands on me, a grin spreading on his face. In the next moment, he furrows his brows and questions, "You didn't bring any slaves? Even after the letter Arthur sent out?"

"I don't believe I received it," I arch a brow, moving around the human girls.

No, I decided to ignore it.

Abigail brought forth the letter a few months back after our encounter during Ninette's and Dante's stay.

It read:

Cormac Arin,

It is required that you bring at least one human slave of your choosing for this year's winter solstice. We are going to be changing up the official game to The Hunt this year and gradually implanting new adjustments through trial and error.

~Arthur Valentine

I don't know what that man's intentions are, but I'm not placing the weakest of pawns within a game made for immortals.

"Well..." Taft's voice trails off before he glances around to the humans he brought with him before stating, "...you can always use one of mine."

"How generous of you," I glance away from the overly thrilled man, turning to leave the living room in search of anything else I can visibly see as alterations for this year.

Taft chuckles, "Think nothing of it, what are friends for?"


...they're more deceitful than enemies.

Leaving the living room behind, I take an immediate turn and collide with Delaney, catching hold of her shoulders to prevent her from staggering backward. She quickly brings her gaze to meet with mine before she says, "I'm so sorry...I really wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

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