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~Year 2090-Winter-

He is the reason Rose is being punished...

Warren grimaces as I'm none too gentle while helping him through the back patio doors toward the hallway leading to the dungeon. In fact, I make sure I knock his already broken ribs a few times, hearing him break slightly and release a cry from his lips.

If he got her pregnant...

There are a few of my coven members enjoying themselves, the one who'd given his blood for Rose among them. With a nod of my head, I signal for them to follow, and without a word, they fall in line. One moves ahead of Warren and I, reaching for the door and moving it wide open.

Anger flashes through my mind and I see nothing but red for a split second, my fingers digging into his flesh as I approach the dungeon door. When I shove him through the door, he crashes to the stone floor while yelping in pain. Purplish hues cloud my outer vision, seeing brief glimpses of how he possibly could have ever pleased her, to bring her...

I shake my head and attempt to remain calm, but it eats away at me as I continue to stare down at the already bloodied human slave.

A vampire has a right to sterilize their slaves...

...he's not my slave.


I cannot help how I feel, the way I deeply feel betrayed though I know I'm not bound to Rose and haven't claimed her either...

One of my coven members stands guard, the other three following into the dungeon as the door quickly swings shut.

I'll make this quick as I have no idea what Aohdan's going to do to Rose now that Laisha is involved.


When I take a single step toward him, he cowers back away in fear, groaning due to his injuries as I ask, "Is there a chance that Rose is pregnant, slave?"

Warren searches my eyes for a moment before he shakes his head and coughs up blood, "N-No S-Sir."

He fumbles around, reaching his hand into his pocket before he freezes, his blood draining from his face as his heart nearly stops in his chest. He quickly reaches in his other pant pocket while withdrawing his hand from the first one. He turns up empty handed while coughing, "I-I-...w-we us-used a co-condom," he manages to croak out, his eyes widening in terror as I walk closer to him.

Leaning down and forward, I backhand him across the face while narrowing my eyes, "That's Sir to you...sniveling waste of space."

Warren spits blood onto the stone floor when he coughs and tries to search again, not able to look me in the eye when he suddenly stops searching. Nodding my head in his direction, two of my coven members come to move past me on either side, closing in on him.

"Where's the condom, Warren?" I antagonize him, not believing him for a second.

"I-I-I...it wa-was..." he coughs again and cries out desperately, "I-I ha-had it...it m-must h-have f-fa-fallen o-out," he begs me with his eyes, but I'm not playing games with him. I have no spare moves left to spend any mercy on another that would take my beloved in a manner such as he did...

I narrow my eyes on him, signalling for their aid as my coven members reach down and take hold of each of his arms. They drag him to his feet while he continues to try and persuade me, but I question back, "Fell out? Just like your limp dick?"

I can't take any chances with him...

...especially if he so dares to come close to her again...he won't father a child of hers...that's not his right, nor his place.

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