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~Year 2091-Winter Solstice-

There is a warmth that floods my body, stabilizing my heart ever so slightly as though it's holding me together. The heaviness that weighs on my conscious for the choices I've made, for the moves I've played, it ebbs away enough for me to slowly relax my muscles.

My vision is hazy through the tears that linger in my depths. Slowly though, I try to open my eyelids, though I can't...

Thank you...

It's no one in particular that I thank, but my heart brims as a warm blanket encases my being.

Be strong Moirai...

Who are you...?

It's crystalline in nature, the beauty the envelopes me as I slowly roll from my side to my back. My breathing evens out, the heartache remains but it's tolerable.

Moirai, I'm known by many names, though unto the werewolves I'm revered as the Moon Goddess...Selene.

Why...why did you help me...?

It was his soul that reached out to me, a dying wish fulfilled...to ease your pain. You're important Moirai...destined to bring into this world one of two Harbingers.

I shake my head, fresh tears welling in my eyes.

The world's fate? Kirsten? Tresor? I don't...

That is for fate to decide...

Thank you...Selene.

The warm light flickers away, breathing out carefully as I slowly open my eyelids. I blink back away the tears, gradually sitting up as I exhale a shaky breath. My wounds have healed themselves, wiping away the blood as I grasp the edge of the bed to stand to my feet.

No matter how hard this is...I have to force myself now...

Standing steady on my feet, I reach for the open hard case on the bed. Carefully, I take the igniter into my hand, setting it inside my pocket. My movements are somewhat shaky as I walk toward the bedroom door. Glancing out into the hallway, I move toward my room before slipping inside it, locking the door behind me.

My gaze travels over the walls, my heart beating fast as I set everything aside for just a moment. Standing as tall as I can with the very little strength I can call on, my voice rings out in the silence of the room, "I challenge you...Tresor Vossen."

A dull pinging sound comes from thin air, the spiderwebs slowly creeping from the corners of the room, a darkened purple aura resting over the contents. Standing before me, runic symbols similar to the ones on the meeting circle are engraved into his flesh, Tresor standing before me.

His eyes flicker and meet with mine, watching as his features shift suddenly. His voice is almost demonic when he glowers, "What have you done?"

Give me agility and speed...

Cradling the thoughts of Marc, the way I'd bested him through cheating tactics...that's all they were, he would have beaten me within the blink of an eye if it weren't for the years of drinking the blood of alphas.

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