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~Year 2091-Winter Solstice-

"Don't...Cormac Arin," my hand shakes for a second, holding the needle to my skin before a chill runs down my spine. Very slowly and carefully, I lift my gaze and almost drop the syringe. Though my grip loosen, I adjust my hold, drawing the needle away as I stare at the woman standing before me.

It isn't Kirsten.

I'd hardly noticed the spiderwebs in the corners of the room, a purple hue having been just outside of my vision. The woman stands in the center of Dante's room...she has long dark hair and amethyst eyes. Long black boots come up to above her knees over her dark pants. A leather vest with strings tie the front together as her sleeveless coat hangs from her shoulders. Finger-less gloves protect her hands, though I see a very elaborate pentagram tattooed on the inner part of her forearm.

My breathing is calm, attempting to relax as the woman stares at me hard, her features shifting to the syringe I hold. After a few moments I ask, "Why should I?" My brows furrow in confusion as I then continue, "Who are you?"

The woman's demeanor shifts as she takes a step toward me and stops. She continues to stare me down as she announces, "My name is Nimue Vossen, second successor and first born daughter to my father, Tresor Vossen."

"You're...he-" my eyes widen and I'm quick to stand from the edge of the bed, moving around it as she hardly flinches. I fumble again while asking, "What?"

Nimue shakes her head and calmly says, "Don't trust the shade that compels you..." her voice trails off as she takes a few more steps toward me, "...she knows nothing of this world or what balance needs to be brought."

"You're a witch!" I exclaim and state, "An offspring of the warlock that's been trying to kill-"

"My father doesn't want anyone dead," she's quick to interrupt me, "my father wants this world balanced..." her eyes narrow on me as she tilts her head to the side, "...just like you do. I see it in your eyes."


"You already see the devastation she's left in her wake," Nimue turns to her side, noticing the spider web tattoos she has on both of her elbows fork out like lightening, a small sigh releasing from her lips, "has my father been responsible for anyone's death that wasn't contracted?"

Cormac...we have Rose, but we don't know what's wrong with her yet. She might be dying...

How?! That's not possible with the undiluted silver!

I don't know. He's going to evaluate her and I'll let you know as soon as I know something.

"Liar," I glower at her after Marc connects with me, "my beloved lies dying-"

Nimue shakes her head while cutting me off, "And she will live..."

I stand there silently watching her, the way her haunting irises shift to glance around the room. She remains quiet when I ask her, "How are you here...your father is connected to my brother and thus to me through our twin bond."

"The veil is thin," she replies, her eyes locking onto me when she finishes, "though I don't have that much longer..." her voice sounds airy, almost like a specter's when her eyes shift away from mine.

Marc? Is she okay?

I don't know...Niles just took a sample of her blood so we'll know soon.

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