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~Year 2091-Winter-

The week Rose had given the species of this world to come forward ready to send in a representative to establish a new council had come to a close. Interestingly enough, there are many more creatures that I'd hardly knew about myself, hiding away from the discrimination of this world.

We remain in the council room, Rose sitting at the head of the table while Dante and I are seated on either side of her. Her gaze lingers on the T.V. up on the left wall, news channels playing their messages and interviews.

Rose is disconnected at the moment, her mind racing with the meeting that is about to take place. I draw her from her thoughts when I ask, "Are we ready for the new arrivals?"

Dante remains silent for a moment, his gaze traveling from the T.V. to meet with mine before settling on Rose. I see the golden glint reflecting off his eyes when he states, "This one meeting will set the precedent for the future generations to come..."

Rose nods and exhales before she releases the tense grip she has on the armrests. Gradually, she stands from the chair, Dante and I also moving from our own. A knock sounds at the door and echoes through the room before she replies, "Come in."

When the door opens, Aohdan stands in the slightly ajar door. He'd stayed behind with Rochelle for the time being as he was relocating to a new estate grounds, wanting to wipe clean the old memories and start new. His eyes search the room before he announces, "They're here."

"Show them in," she nods without hesitation. Aohdan is quick to nod his confirmation in return before he fully opens the door. My brother is the very first to walk in, seeing his chipper smile as he winks at Rose before standing off to the side. He nears one of the far walls while she furrows her brows in confusion.

What's your brother up to?

Rose connects with me, knowing she'd ask this. I wanted to make sure we had something different for this council meeting as my brother has hid his whole life away...that's not fair and that changes now.

Consider him your bodyguard. Having our presence revealed about us being twins is unnerving and with him remaining during the meeting, it will also reflect the same to everyone else.

I catch her arching a brow though she doesn't shift her gaze from the open doors.

I can feel how excited she is the second that Keir walks around the corner, a warm smile playing on his lips as he sees her obvious surprise. He nods his head in respect before stating, "Keir Wood, werewolf representative," he walks right next to me, standing behind the chair as we await the next.

A human walks through the doors next.

He's in his mid-thirties with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He halts a moment once he crosses the threshold into the room and bows before Rose with respect. When she nods, he raises his head and says, "Hello your grace, my name is Gabriel Harrison and I'll be representing the humans on this council," and moves down the row in which Dante is standing, waiting behind his chair as the next individual comes through the doors.

I refrain from showing the marvel and disbelief that crosses my features, a foot tall being flutters gracefully into the room on iridescent purple wings with a mint trim bordering the edges. Her skin is a light purple tone with rosy pink hair down to her waist in braids, her otherworldly crystal blue eyes slowly look around the room, taking in her surroundings. Almost as if the sound of faint bells resonate around her as she lightly beats her wings, she flies slowly above the table and comes toward Rose.

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