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~Year 2091-Spring-

I feel my little rose much closer and on a deeper level now, my heart warming at the simple thought of her. She's a very reserved presence within me, knowing just like with Kev, we can easily take into each other's minds, able to feel and understand one another more. It's a bit of a surprise though...

...Marc was okay with Rose and I bonding together however, he's nowhere to be seen...it's been a few days now. I've come to the conclusion that he was okay with it however, his wolf more than likely feels betrayed by Rose's. It's understandable as their wolves have their own thoughts and subconscious, their own feelings in regards to subject matters. Marc is just able to take control and speak for the both of them...though I know it's hurting her because he hasn't informed her why he's acting slightly distant.

"Cormac?" Dante's voice surrounds me and I halt my movements, standing near one of the windows looking out across his estate. He was very much correct...vampire, werewolf, it doesn't matter, those that belong to Dante's pack and coven act as if they are one in the same. It's surprising though, understanding and seeing with my eyes that we truly can exist together...now if only we can spread this notion globally.

"Yes, Dante?" I turn to the side as he comes to halt his movements next to me.

There's something hidden in his eyes, though he says nothing except for, "If you can direct Rose, I'd like to meet with her at the back of the estate..."

I knew this was coming...though she hasn't claimed Marc, she's unlocked her dormant vampire and werewolf genes, a true hybrid now. However, I wonder how long it'll take her to become just as powerful as the one standing before me.

"Her training?" I ask while arching a brow.

"Exactly," Dante responds shortly.

With a slight nod of my head I respond, "I'll get her. She's been reading in the library."

"Oh has she?" This sparks his interest and I see that same glint flash across his eyes.

"Something wrong with that?" I ask, trying to feel out exactly what he's hiding.

His demeanor shifts in the next second and he chuckles while shaking his head, "I have nothing to hide..."

An eerie feeling settles at the base of my spine as I turn away from him, heading in the direction of the library before opening the doors. When my gaze lands on her, Rose is sitting sideways on one of the leather chairs, her legs hanging over the side of the arm rest while a book rests in her lap. She's staring intently at the book, her gaze moving across the page rapidly.

"Find anything interesting?" My voice breaks through the silence she's surrounded herself with, her eyes lifting away from the pages to glance at me standing at the slightly ajar door.

She shifts her gaze back to the pages with a sigh and replies, "Nothing of value."

As Dante mentioned...he has nothing to hide apparently...unless he's already disposed of what he's keeping secret.

"I figured as much," I note, moving into the library before closing the door quietly behind me. My footsteps echo off the floor, halting my movements beside the table behind the arm rest her back is leaning against. When my hand trails over the top book of the pile that's been gathering through her searches, I chuckle, "A bit of light reading?"

What are you hoping to find my little rose?

"Eh...there's not really anything else to do," there's a hint of anger in her voice, though I know it isn't directed toward me as her mind begins to overthink why Marc is avoiding her. This is another one of those...it's not my place, he'll have to approach her when he's ready to explain his wolf's hurt if this truly is the reasoning behind him isolating her.

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