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~Year 2067-Spring-

"You don't get headaches..." my voice trails off while Kev sits on the edge at the foot of my bed. While another sharp groan leaves his lips, he quickly muffles it when I turn around in the chair I'm occupying at my desk.

While I eye him he quickly composes himself and asks, "What? I'm fine."

"Mmmhmm..." he can see I hardly believe a word coming from his mouth. Pushing the chair back, I stand to my feet and come closer to where he sits.

I study him hard and he exasperates, "Cormac, come on, it's nothing."

"Oh I'm sure it really is nothing," I arch a brow...

... and I'm secretly a werewolf.

"Just...why don't you go lay down and rest?" I offer after seeing a small break in his barrier, noticing the way he tries to hide whatever pain he's truly in. With a slight nod of his head, Kev stands to his feet while I turn back to my desk.

Kev pauses a moment before the secret passage, asking me, "You're visiting with Walter?"

"He's..." I can't quite string the right words together before I finish, "...remorseful of his actions and it's slowly breaking his mind for what he did."

He nods his head and mutters, "He doesn't deserve you as a friend."

"Sometimes..." I release a heavy sigh, reaching for my coat hanging off the back of the chair, "...things aren't always what they seem." My eyes meet with Kev's and I finish, "I'll be back in a few days. Let me know if the headaches get any worse while I'm gone."

Kev waves me off saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I gotcha."

"I'm serious," he notices the change in my tone. I worry for him especially after everything that's come into the light over the past few months.

"I will," Kev reassures me while heading down the secret passageway.

For myself, I drive to Walter's castle, taking my time as I observe the seasons changing. The first day of spring arrived yesterday, marking an almost end to the month of March. Snow melts as new flowers begin to bloom, the once winter white wonderland fading away, leaving the trees bare as new leaves will soon take their place.

When I arrive at Walter's castle, the grounds are somewhat quiet, noticing that no other council members have come by as they normally do to visit. Heading to the entryway, I'm greeted by one of the vampires of his coven, asking briefly, "Where's Walter?"

"He's in the library," I am informed, taking my leave down the hallway to where the library is located. Climbing the stairs and passing Walter's chambers, I head to the furthest wing before finding myself nearing the library entrance.

Once I near the slightly ajar doors, my pace slows the second I recognize Laura's voice state, "Then why do you allow him to have the last say?"

Leaning against the wall, I listen as Walter responds, "I-I don't even know...I feel..." his voice trials off, the broken tone easily recognizable.

I've never seen him so vulnerable except when he was much younger...this is completely out of character for him. From the way he's allowed Arthur to rule each decision he makes while he stands as a statue king for others to manipulate.

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