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~Year 2091-Winter-

"She is doing much better," Dante closes the door to my room as I stare out the window. The snow continues to fall, a weight lifted from my shoulders as Rose's wolf allowed Dante's to console her. He crosses the room, feeling his presence behind me until his arms wrap around my shoulders.

He plants a gentle kiss to the side of my neck, my eyelids closing shut as he plants another one just under the first. The way he allows me to fall into his primal pull is relieving, especially how everything has been on my mind. His voice is husky when it reaches my ear as he asks, "Will you be mine?"

I breath out carefully, "Only if you'll be mine."

Very slowly, his arms fall away from my shoulders. Turning me around, his eyes meet with mine, a light dancing in his eyes before he cups the side of my cheek and brings his lips against mine. Exhaling slowly, his lips breakaway from mine, trailing his lips down my jawline.

Dante pulls away from me slightly as he says, "I would have been lucky to have you as my true vampire beloved instead of the one I was given..." his voice trails off, his lips kissing against the side of my neck again before I feel his teeth slip past his lips before he whispers, "...some of us are lucky and have a second chance."

A split second later, I moan against him, my hands lifting and grasping the sides of his shoulders as his teeth break through my skin. A moment later, he sinks his teeth deep into my flesh, the warmth flooding through my body like an electrifying warm blanket. My heart beats loudly, feeling him entwine with my being just before he withdraws his teeth from my flesh. He's barely even moved an inch away, pulling his lips away from my flesh before I'm grasping and cradling the side of his neck.

My bloody red irises meet with his reddish orange ones...though it's only for a split second because a few seconds later, my fangs elongate. The tips brush across his skin, feeling him shudder as he breathes out slowly. The moment I taste his blood, I feel everything, all his memories racing back to me, understanding everything he did with his own decisions. Biting harder, he exhales sharply and moans feeling the way his emotions flood to me.

When I releases his flesh, I bring my gaze back to meet with his. There is a glint of mischief in his eyes though...he's the one to say, "Let's wait and finish our bond when Rose allows me to claim her."

A chuckles leaves my lips and I sigh, "I'd rather that...considering how she felt last time about being left out once Marc and I had marked one another."

That's where we left it, planning for a couple of days time as Rose has been mainly by herself. It's her choice though, finding a normality within her own mind and while I meet with Dante in his room. He wears dark slacks and a green turtle neck, concealing the mark from me...he nods at me and says, "I'll go and get her."

Dante's muscles tense and I see the way his eyes linger over me as I begin to dress out of my clothes. The way his eyes follow me, drinking me in every second with those eyes of his as I chuckle, sitting back on the bed before I take a firm hold of my cock. Dante's eyes continue to darken with the way I slowly stroke myself, though I merely chuckle in response, "Don't take too long...I'm thinking about you both and I know how much you like to take care of us."

I've never seen him leave faster in order to bring Rose back to the surprise we have waiting. Chuckling to myself, I pump myself slowly, imagining now the surprise look on her face...though I don't have to wait too long.

I'm bringing her back...although I swear she believes we fucked without her.

Jokes on her then.

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