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~Year 2067-Summer-

It was no easy task sneaking back onto the castle grounds, returning to the most blood I've seen spilt since the winter solstice. Kev was able to switch out with me and head home, while I remained behind to come to terms with the consequences of Arthur's actions.

The castle was very eerie that night, but we managed to get through it. Arthur informed the council he would seek justice for his brother's murder and would later summon us for a council meeting to determine the direction we will head now that Walter is dead.

So here I am, sitting in my chair around the council meeting table, the same chamber in which Arthur had stabbed his brother in the back. My poker face conceals any knowledge I have about the truth in Walter's demise, but Arthur sits pensively in his chair at the head of the table.

Taft's expression is one of uncertainty however, I can see it in his eyes that he would sooner follow the more determined Valentine brother while hardly mourning the loss of our true king. My only question is...

...how will Arthur proceed?

Take the crown?

It's the most logical proceeding to happen after his brother's death.

Aohdan shifts slightly in his chair, his gaze shifting from Arthur to Taft and finally resting on me. I can't quite pinpoint exactly what he's asking, but I know he's got something lingering on the tip of his tongue.

Arthur speaks first and says solemnly, "Walter's death is...tragic and I know it's affected us all."

Crocodile tears.

"What do we do now?" Aohdan asks, more so questioning in particular to the deaths of the world leaders. Aohdan and Taft had run to aid Walter, so neither of them saw that it was in fact Arthur's coven members that slaughtered the humans where they stood in cold blood.

He has some nerve pinning their deaths and Walter's on Laura...

"We avenge my brother," he nods and sighs, "sadly, the rest of the humans want to blame us for the deaths of their leaders when it was clearly the werewolves."

You made an enemy for the public to speculate, one to divert the attention away from yourself to slowly slink from the shadows and claims what's left of this world.

I know where this is going.

"Those wolves will pay for their crimes," Taft clenches his hands and then states, "with Delaney perfecting the crystals, we'll slowly kill the werewolves off and become stronger, beings they won't want to cross."

Aohdan agrees and says, "Kill or be killed and I'd rather select the former."

Arthur adds, "It'll be nearly impossible for them to resist the pull from the trapped moonlight," he pauses a moment and then clears his throat, "I want to address two items of business. First, I know you're all wondering if I'll step in and take the throne as Walter has no direct heirs."

I'm dying to know...really.

Truthfully...Walter does have an heir...

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