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~Year 2091-Winter-

I hold an air of apprehension as I stand before the building in the mountain top, the winds picking up the ends of my long trench coat. Staring through the snow blind blizzard, I move toward the door, knocking on the outside as to not startle those who aren't expecting me. The second the door opens, Marc's warm eyes meet with mine...the once anxious look turns into a soft smile.

After he allows me to step inside, the door shuts behind me. Marc's eyes search over me before he opens his arms and I'm throwing mine around his ribs. He breathes me in and says, "Cormac...it's really good to see you."

When I look out over his shoulder once we pull away from one another, I see many pack members staring at the two of us. There is judgement in some eyes while others remain curious and optimistic. It's when I finally see the one wolf I've been partially dreading to ever come in contact with move through the crowd that my heart falls to the pit of my stomach.

Keir Wood.

Marc takes a step to the side of me, nothing protecting me from the direct line of Keir's path. He closes the distance, inhaling sharply when he's but a few feet away. His irises suddenly shift, the golden orbs reflecting back into my own as he searches me. The tension in the air around both packs escalates when Keir takes a sudden step forward, though I also see Marc mimic his action by moving closer to me.

Keir just stares at me, and I see all the emotions running rampant behind his eyes...

It's almost too much, so when I release a small breath I say, "I am so sorry."

"Laura...she..." it appears to be even more difficult for him to form a sentence, continuing to watch as his demeanor shifts.

"I helped her escape the council..." my voice trails off as his eyes widen, "...she led me to your pack house, but when we arrived, you weren't there," this time I see his eyes slowly revert back, the pain lingering, "she said she'd find you or run free until the day she dies..."

Keir exhales sharply and painful retorts, "You..."

Marc told him...

"I did-"

My back is slammed against the door, the wood creaking under the pressure while Keir's hands grasp my coat, glaring at me with all the anger and hate he has for my kind. Marc growls lowly, his voice low when he snaps, "Let him explain."

Keir's eyes dart to Marc, but his gaze quickly falls back on me as he glares back and glowers, "I'm listening," though his grip doesn't falter for a second.

"Laura ran free for almost eighteen years..." I see that anger rise again and I state, "...she was attacked while near my grounds by Taft. She sacrificed her security for Rose's...she shifted back when I was the one to find her injured beyond repair and she begged me for death, wanting to protect her secrets along with Rose's...I gave her what she wanted...an out, a way to finally be at peace for searching for so long for you."

It's right then and there...the tears fall from his eyes when he releases my coat. He draws in a shaky breath and staggers a few feet back before shaking his head in defeat. His voice is filled with regret, guilt and pain when he admits, "It's my fault..."

"She said you were doing what was best for your pack," I remind him before mentioning, "she understood your choice to protect those that look up to y-"

"If I'd just staye-"

"Your pack could have been killed," I shake my head as he continues to allow the tears to fall down his cheeks, the break in him real as if he's losing her all over again.

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