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~Year 2090-Winter-



...seriously...you're going to act like a child now?

He remains silent a moment later. Shaking my head, I'd already situated Rose in my car while I needed a moment to connected with my brother alone. He had to have known that his little fuck toy would eventually be pulled out from beneath of him...especially now that I've found Rose.



Keveon Arin...

Fuck you too, Cormac Arin.

Look, I can't ha-

A second later he cuts me off...but it's not just Kev who does this, but a knock sounds from my door. Releasing a sigh of frustration, I pull the door inward only to meet Dante's gaze, a smirk working its way up onto his face.

"Now what?" I question, watching as he shifts his gaze to glance down the hallway.

Dante chuckles before sighing, "I thought I would say a few parting words until we meet again."

Arching a brow I state, "I never took you for the sentimental type."

"Rose is..." his voice trails off before he shakes his head and finishes, "never mind," he eyes me once more before noting, "don't take too long with her..." I hear the change in his tone, my eyes narrowing a second later before I return with a slight nod of my head. Dante takes his leave, walking out of sight down the hallway before I release a sigh, not knowing exactly how this will work if-

We can both win.

Excuse me?

Kev immediately cuts clear through my thoughts, unsure of what it is he's getting at.

You mentioned before...you want her to trust you, to believe that you'd never do anything to hurt her. You're worried about her emotions getting the best of her especially come next winter solstice...

Your point?

Why not test her with Missy?

I rub my forehead, closing the door to my room behind me as I make my way down the hallway. Everyone is readying to leave, many saying their farewells as I also descend the staircase to the lower level.

Cormac, come on...please don't make me give Missy up...that's not fair to her.

It's hardly fair to Rose either.

Look...you said yourself she may never want to bond with you...

I'm well aware of that.

I nod at Aohdan and Arthur as they are chatting with one another, receiving their own acknowledgement in return.

I'll give up Missy the second Rose TELLS you she wants to. Otherwise...let me have my fun and then you get the trust you want from her. If she'd honestly believe you would sleep with anyone other than her once you found her, then she needs to take a step back and figure things out...really think about it.

She hardly knows you even exist, how is she ever going to realize that exactly?

There's a moments pause as I catch Dante's gaze before I move past the entryway and toward my car. I see Rose sitting in the passenger seat where I'd left her, watching as she sees me say goodbye before I then notice Taft speaking with her through the window.

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