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What? What? Another amazing and sexy cover that has been made for Endgame

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What? What? Another amazing and sexy cover that has been made for Endgame. Thank you so much MalevolentRose . I love to see how you all interpret the story through your art.


~Year 2066-Winter- 

"Cormac?" Abigail's voice is soft, her eyes glimmering as she searches me for answers to questions I might not necessarily have the answers to...

...truthful ones that is.

I can see her out of the corner of my eye while I continue to stare up at the ceiling, laying on my back against the sheets while my hands are folded behind my head. She lays beside of me on her stomach, the covers draped over her lower back while she holds her weight solely on her forearms. Her chin delicately rests on her knuckles, her hair cascading down her back.

When I don't reply, she tilts her head to the side and asks, "Are you alright?"

Obviously Kev would have just been such a wound up ball of energy while I recall everything that I saw from my parents' home...or...

...what's left of it anyways.

I burned the building to the ground, destroying any evidence of what had happened and sadly making it appear as if the humans or werewolves had come and killed them. It's better for the vampires to believe that then what I saw...because there's true evil in this world.

Abigail's hand gently touches my chest, my attention slowly turning to her until I meet with her gaze. Drawing one of my hands from behind my head, I cup her cheek while my lips claim hers. I hear the slight intake of breath, a smirk playing on my lips as I gradually deepen the kiss, a passionate fire electing between the two of us.

When we separate she asks, "Already time for the annual game tomorrow night?"

I nod and reply, "Yes. This year should prove...very different."

Abigail arches a brow and giggles, "What? You think the council members will actually win this year? You lot haven't won once if I recall correctly..."

"That would be accurate," I sigh, readying myself to leave the bed and get ready to head to Walter's castle. Time flies however, memories linger behind of those who have passed.

A small sigh leaves her lips when I stand to my full height, reaching for the clothes on the chair. When I turn back toward her, she's tracing her fingertips on the lines of the sheets and she says, "Well...if you do win," her eyes lift to meet with mine, a sly grin spreading on her face, "I'll have a well deserved reward planned out for you when you return."

That I can look forward to...under different circumstances considering she has absolutely no idea of all the possibilities that can go wrong with trying to capture an alpha.

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