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~Year 2091-Winter-

We line up and take our places on the raised platform, Delaney, Mercury and Laisha moving off to the side of the ballroom. I see the apprehension lingering in the faces before us, my own kept close under wrap however, I can't stop wondering what it is Dante found.

Arthur begins his announcement shortly after we take the platform, "Welcome to this year's winter solstice with the festival events commencing at the end of the week," he pauses a moment and directs his next comment to a few of his coven members, "the Starlight Dance will take place in seven days when the stars fall, collecting them will be our priority through the clouded sky above all else."

Why couldn't we arrive closer to the Starlight Dance?

At least Rose isn't completely cut off this time around, able to communicate. My attention shifts to her momentarily, but I quickly shift my gaze out toward the rest of the faces like my fellow council members. There's many reasons I arrived much earlier this year...

There are things that need to be set into place before the events unfold. I didn't want to bring us so close to the deadline where we would have absolutely no time to go over everything we need to before all hell breaks loose.

Makes sense...just don't leave me alone with her...please, at least let me sleep with you for one night away from this conniving bitch.

Arthur allows for a long pause of silence before he informs everyone, "All slaves will be assigned tasks, playing your part in the upkeep of my home while you reside within it as guests."

Charming...how grateful we all must be to graciously serve such an arrogant bastard.


Whoops...that wasn't meant to be shared.

Don't let your emotions consume you...have you learned nothing little rose?

I have...you've made it clear that trust between the two of us may never be what it once was.

Low blow...

...though I deserve it.

"You will all report daily to your masters respectfully unless I call upon you myself," Arthur proceeds to inform the slaves as to how they are to live while staying here. I believe Rose will begin to see many difference, even from her stay with Aohdan. With one last look, he nods and says, "All slaves may eat within the confinement of the kitchen and then make your way directly to your rooms for the evening," with the acknowledgment of the rest of the council Arthur claps his hands, "Dismissed."

As the slaves depart from the room, I linger a moment, watching as Delaney's eyes capture mine. She offers me a warm smile and motions for me...when I glance around, I see Arthur is speaking with Taft and Laisha crosses the room to cup her hand and whisper something to Aohdan.

Oh, that's right bitch...you can't communicate mentally because you're a facade of a beloved...

"Go play, Mercury," Delaney nudges him, though he glances up and stares at his mother, his eyes shifting to me.

"I don't want to mommy...there's no one to play with here," he seems upset, wondering if Taft has introduced him to others his age yet or if there are any he associates with...

Delaney releases a sigh and says, "Go."

Mercury gives her this one last look before kicking the marble floor and walking over to where Taft is. I hardly pay him anymore attention as Delaney asks, "Hey...how are you?"

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