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~Year 2091-Spring-

While sitting at the edge of the bed in the room I'm residing in while taking up residence at Dante's estate, I look at the liquid in the capped tube between my finger and thumb. The swirling eerie dark liquid is tinted with a purple hue, hardly able to notice it unless tilted just right in the light.


My cell phone rings and I release a sigh as I slide it open to answer Kev's call with my free hand, "Is Rose okay?"

I reply with, "Yes Kev...she's going to be fine."

"I've been so worried, I'm so sorry about everything, I-"

"I forgive you, Kev," I cut him short, knowing it's my responsibility.

There is a long pause before he states, "Our connection isn't as strong...sometimes...I can't connect with you at all."

"It might be the distance...and the amount of time we've been apart," I reassure him, not really sure if there are other forces at work...and say, "Just call me if you have an issues." I end the call there, releasing a sigh as everything feels like its weigh down.

I allow the tube to fall in my hand as I release a sigh, knowing time is drawing closer to the time I must act accordingly. Locking it away within the hard case in a side drawer, it isn't long before I hear a knock on the door. Standing to my feet, I open the door to see Dante standing here, his eyes capturing mine.

"I've explained everything to her," he informs me. When he had first mentioned the very thought that Marc and I should not be present when she wakes, we were both livid. Though, looking back right now...she doesn't have reason to trust truly and Dante is the only other being like her that we know about to help her understand what she is.

"Is she okay?" I ask with concern and sincerity,

He nods and replies, "She's just finishing eating, Marc was already out walking around when I informed him that the two of you should see her before we have a meeting about the winter solstice."

"Agreed..." my voice trails off.

Dante moves closer and he chuckles, "Besides...I'm very curious to hear exactly what your plan is..."

Arching a brow, I watch as he steps to the side and allows for me to leave, seeing my way through the hallways to find her. When I do catch sight...it's when I see Marc holding Rose close to him, leaving trails of kisses down her neck while nipping at her flesh.

Marc sees me and growls in a possessive manner. My voice is low when I call out, "Little rose..."

Marc's lips leave her skin and he glares at me over her head. She turns in his arms while her back is against his chest, his arms encircling around her waist to cradle her close. Our eyes lock, those beautiful cobalt irises of hers staring right into mine and when I believe she is going to say something, she doesn't. Instead, her gaze falls to the floor as she remains silent.

Crossing the space between us, Marc growls a bit louder at my actions. Cupping her cheeks in my hands, I bring her gaze back to meet with mine. My voice is unsteady as I know how much hurt the both of us possess before I say, "I should have told you sooner...but I wanted to show you instead, to know I'm not lying as blood can't be tampered with," she says nothing, tears forming in her eyes as I continue, "I'm sorry Rose, I'm so sorry for everything, for not telling you the truth, for playing with you, and for pushing you away from me when I thought I knew what was best...to keep you in the dark."

"I thought I might never see you again," my voice sounds weak this time as I press further, a watery undertone as I hold back my own tears, but I can't hide my teary eyes, "I thought that I'd lost my only chance at happiness, watching you run away from me was the hardest thing I'd ever witnessed. I love you so much my little rose, so much..."

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