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~Year 2067-Spring-

"Understand?" I question Kev as he stands before me, both of us standing within my guest room at Walter's castle. Kev has entered into the building first, situating himself without others knowing exactly where he would be. After a few hours, I made my appearance during the moment the world leaders were making their way into the castle as well.

The only question I received was from Taft and he merely asked, "What? Did you forget something?"

Thankfully, he thought I'd forgotten something but now, both my brother and I stand across from each other, going over the plan a few times.

Kev shakes his head and states, "I still don't understand why you're helping her escape. If anyone finds out-"

"-no one will," I cut him off, releasing a shaky breath as I still didn't quite understand what I felt. Sure, I could feel the faint flicker of a heartbeat however, I felt a slight warmth that makes me question everything. With everything going on and from what I've seen with Tresor...

...maybe helping Laura escape will help reassure myself that there wasn't anything I could do to help her when Walter raped her...but I can do everything in my power to save her now.

My conscious will be clear.

I haven't seen the warlock in awhile and I'll be damned if he tries to stop me this time.

A chill runs down my spine at the thought...I have no idea what he's capable of and he's already threatened me.

"Walter is going to abolish the Code of Conduct as well as restore some type of balance we can move forward from," I reassure Kev, moving toward one of the doors of the wardrobe, making sure we are wearing the same clothes even down to our socks. Just one detail out of place and it'll jeopardize Laura's escape.

Handing Kev the same light overcoat I have on I finish, "Even though Walter isn't the one to relinquish Laura...she'll tell the alphas it was good faith to let her go. She's promised to help smooth all the mistakes made over as long as I can get her away safely."

Kev slips his arms into the coat and asks, "The unborn child?"

Buttoning up my own coat I nod, "Laura says that her mate will accept it regardless of who the father is. He's apparently a very kind alpha and any blood of hers will always be welcomed into his pack."

"Awe, it's an 'it'," Kev chuckles while I shake my head, arching a brow at him while he finishes his final touches to blend in. Kev asks when I've gone quiet for far too long, "Well?"

"Well what?" I question back, readying myself to open the door to the room.

He chuckles once more and punches my shoulder, "Is it a boy or girl?"

"First off," I glance at him over my shoulder, "you're far to curious about the child for you're own good considering we'll never see the both of them again and second," I watch as the last of the coven members proceed through the hallway before finishing, "she's not a vampire, I don't believe werewolf mothers actually know the gender of their children before they are born."

Kev shrugs his shoulders and states, "I was just curious. We've never been around werewolves like this so I thought it would be nice to know."

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