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~Year 2090-Winter-

Hours have passed...the entire time we walk through the forest, Rose is silent. Her eyes are transfixed on the ground before her as she steps over fallen branches, rocks and underbrush. The beat of her heart is even though she's thinking deeply on something.

Once we reach closer to the forest boarding Aohdan's estate, I clear my throat and ask her, "Is something bothering you?"

"I find it hard to believe that you're trying to dispose of the council when you are a part of it yourself," she doesn't hesitate in the slightest to question my allegiance to ending this council.

Offering her a sideways glances, we are just about at the open expanse to Aohdan's grounds. Maybe she'll begin to understand once she realizes how close I was with her father...that he truly was a good friend and meant well for this world. I part my lips to say, "Walter and I were very good friends and as I told you before, I do believe he would have guided this world as a capable king. But, he was manipulated and killed for wanting that peace, so the council was formed with no king so not a single vampire had more influence over the others."

"So why do you all refer to Arthur as the head of the council?" She raises one of her brows while moving a low tree branch out of her way. We step out onto the grounds, a small smile making its way onto my lips when she looks away as she's becoming more perceptive.

"Technically little rose, he would have been the next in line if the monarchy system was still in place," she furrows her brows in confusion, more than likely wondering why Arthur would ever give up sole power. He didn't...that's the problem though visually to others it appears that way. I continue to explain, "Arthur may have killed your father, but you have to remember that Taft and Aohdan were led to believe that it was your mother's doing. They saw Arthur as the victim of loss, not wanting to overstep their boundaries and were actually quite pleased with his decision to form the council with no king."

My little rose shakes her head and asks calmly, "How do you know...how do you know that Arthur killed my father?"

...that would involve much more of an explanation than I'm willingly to give at this moment...

Breathing out and walking across the grass, I move past her without saying a single word in return. Rose is quick to follow after me but I do catch her muttering lowly, "I thought we were done playing games."

"We are," it's a lie...everything hidden is a lie at this point because she's not going to understand...all that I did for her mother...her father, it's just a mess. A few seconds later I tell her, "I'm just very curious how you are going to react when I tell you the extent of my involvement with your father and your mother," the etchings are coming closer, knowing she's about to protest further I signal for her to remain silent as I finish, "I'll tell you, just not while we are on Aohdan's grounds."

A small sigh releases from her lips, both of us walking up to the sliding glass door to the back entrance of the estate. I can't help but play with her, knowing she's still going to have to portray as a slave I tilt my head to the side before sighing, "Are you going to open the door for me slave? Or do you need to be taught better manners?"

Rose's cheeks fill with color, her eyes remaining locked with mine. The second she takes a step toward the door and slides it open for me, a smirk plays on my lips. She releases a sigh and responds with a cheeky tone, "Of course, Master."

Well then...

...I do believe Sir was reserved for Aohdan however...she's willingly to refer to me much differently.

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