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~Year 2091-Spring-

Marc growls lowly in response to Dante, "Gladly," before the both of us storm out of his office and toward the long hallway leading out to the grassy estate grounds.

We make it outside and I can feel the anger pulsing through him as it radiates off his shoulders in waves. I'm just as angry...yes, judge me all you want, but I truly do have Rose's best interests at heart whether or not he can see that or not. There's so much none of them understand and what I'm fighting for is more than just to end the council's rule...

...I'm fighting for my brother's life and Rose's very existence as it's always been a part of Tresor's plan. That's been made very clearly to me, as he wants whatever it is from a child she can give.

Apparently...we're gathering a small crowd, catching sight of those that are gathering at the windows to watch. I catch Rose and Dante also as she runs toward the doors Marc and I had barely come through ourselves.

Marc lifts his shirt over his head, tossing it to the ground before I turn around to see Rose. She sprints toward us and yells, "Don't!"

Marc is quick to growl, "Stay out of this."

"I'm a part of this," she retorts right back and I can't help but smirk at her words. How true they are...though I need to put this one in his place before we can move any further ahead. When Marc's eyes catch Rose's, she takes a step back.

"Don't interfere," his voice is commanding and I see the way he controls her with his alpha tone, readying myself as I notice Dante come to walk closer to Rose. He leans down and whispers something into her ear, yet I don't hear a single thing however, it makes me curious when Rose's features lock onto his with confusion.

When they are done speaking in hushed tones, I hear Dante sigh, "Look on the bright side."

"What possible bright side are you seeing that I'm blind to?" She questions him while Marc rolls his shoulders, my attention leaving Dante and Rose to return to Marc...though I hardly move at all as he gets angrier.

Dante chuckles out loud, "Once this is over...one will be submissive to the other and they won't be at each other's throats anymore..."

I'll never say it out loud...

...you already have my submission...Dante.

"That's comforting," Rose replies sarcastically.

"I'm here Alpha," Niles' voice causes both Marc and I to look away from each other for a few moments. Once we acknowledge the doctor that will be taking Marc away on a stretcher if he doesn't give up soon enough...we both take an aggressive step toward one another.

"Please...fight fair," I hear the softness in her voice, the one who wants reason to come through...

...she believes if Marc shifts, that I'll somehow appear weaker to him and lose. No, my dear little rose...you have yet to scratch the surface...

Dante chuckles in return as Marc and I stare at one another, his breathing coming evenly, "You're doing Marc a favor," he pauses a moment and I also see the way Marc appears to second guess himself when Dante informs Rose, "if he listens to you, possibly he might have a chance."

No one needs your advice right now...

"Why?" Roses asks with uneasiness.

Dante tells her the one thing that makes the council stronger than the rest of the vampires, "There's a good reason why the council members are in their positions...along with drinking the blood of an alpha during the winter solstice," though, he doesn't get a chance to go into detail as I don't want Marc having awareness.

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