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~Year 2090-Winter-


Rose's eyes are cast down, staring at her hands as she's remained silent and motionless since the incident only an hour prior. Gears are turning in her head, spinning on so many questions as to what is happening. I briefly caught Arthur telling Dante that he would meet with him again, thanks to my scout...but it was the choice of words he used that made me uneasy.

Dante informed Arthur, "I have proof of my allegiance."

I'm not entirely sure what that exactly entails...

...but either way, I'll need to keep a close eye on him while still watching over Rose.

Rose is fidgeting, her gaze transfixed downward as I've never seen her so quiet...I wonder what she's thinking. I can't wait any longer, reaching my arm out as I motion for her to give me hers. Her eyes immediately dart to the small stand, her eyes lingering on the syringe filled with my blood.

The moment her palm lays atop of mine, the warmth doesn't just spark from within me, but I know she feels the more inescapable pull. It travels through her, as it does I, noticing the way her gaze quickly flickers away from the stand, those questioning eyes locking with my own. She searches me, hoping that by just observing me, she'll gain the answers to unspoken questions...but I won't allow her to break through just yet.

My features remain stoic, not allowing for her to see the effect she has on me. Instead, my fingers wrap around the back of her hand and slowly trail up her skin. It's smooth and pleasurable to the touch, breathing out gently the second I brush over the silver bracelet of Aohdan's. It's his last name that binds her to him that I let the pad of my thumb brush over the engraving, not able to control the tension that rises in my muscles.

I've already claimed you...

...my eyes flashing to lift and meet with hers. She's taken aback by the look in my eyes, when I say her name gently, "Rose," it's a moments pause that causes my heart to skip a beat, her pulse racing as I smoothly state, "one day, you will not wear this chain, but the one in your heart will be enough for me."

Her eyes search mine once again...maybe she's starting to let everything sink it.

Slowly twisting her wrist, exposing her inner forearm, I can feel the acceleration of her heart the second my hand reaches for the syringe. After bringing it back, I line the needle up with a vein, but she suddenly panics and releases a very shaky breath.

Only when she asks, "Wh-What is going to happen to me?" That I pause what I'm about to do, glancing up to see her staring at me.

I'll allow her this knowledge now...

"If is a gift and a curse. If my blood fuses with yours," my eyes narrow on her for a second as I finish, "which it should, then you will take on a fraction of my strength, speed, and innate healing ability."

I'm about to proceed when she quickly interjects, "The curse part? You forgot to elaborate on that."

No little rose. I chose not to.

It takes everything from within me to hold back the laugh that wants to slip past my lips, but I can't retain the smirk that crosses my face. Her skin heats under my touch and I reply, "You're talking too much little rose."

She gives me this funny look and I just allow the silence to consume us. I rest the tip of the needle against her skin, hearing the sharp inhale of her breath as she prepares herself for the inevitable. The needle slides into her flesh like butter, a wince coming from her at the discomfort, her face telling me everything however, she doesn't say a single word. Injecting the blood into her system, I remove the needle only a few moments later.

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