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{MxM Sexual Content}


~Year 2091-Autumn-

Dante left about a week ago, heading out to pick up his selection for the winter solstice while Marc took off recently in order to inform Keir of what will happen. Wanting to check in with Rose before I would need to make arrangements for what other slaves I would be bringing to the winter solstice, I head toward her room.

As I approach the open door, I move to stand in the open door frame, catching sight of the beauty that is the true her. Dressed in dark leather pants, knee high boots while a leather jacket conceals the partial tank top underneath...she zips the jacket up just as I finish looking her over.

She looks determined...

"Rose?" My voice resonates off the walls of her room, her eyes lifting to meet with mine as I linger in the open door frame. As I continue to eye her up and down, I wonder what she is planning to do, my features lightening for a moment before I question, "Should I be worried?"

A small smile makes its way onto her lips as she slowly strides across the room, snatching the leather gloves on top of the cabinet next to the door. We stand a few feet from one another, a tension remaining between us as things have been left unsettled. When I gaze into her eyes, I want nothing more than to see her safe in this world. I watch her own eyes searching mine, lightening for a moment before that coldness returns once again.

I fucked up.

I lift my arms, my knuckles brushing her cheek as I can tell she also enjoys the warmth that sparks between us. When she briefly close her eyelids, I cup her cheek, the pad of my thumb caressing her cheek gently as I murmur with sincere regret, "I'm deeply sorry my little rose."

She breathes out and slowly opens her eyes, quick to remind me, "Don't tell me because words are cheap," when my touch lingers she says, "show me and rebuild my trust in you."

"I promise I will," I lower my lips closer to hers, her heart beating evenly while she closes the distance between us. A very sweet and affectionate kiss is shared between the two of us, those tiny electrical bolts surging through me and to her at our connection.

When we pull away from one another, I ask with concern, "Where are you going?"

"To see a friend," she replies as I take steps back and allow her to walk out into the hallway. I walk with her, our footsteps almost in sync while we take our time. I'd rather her not leave right now...because I honestly don't think I'll be able to show her how sorry I am until everything is said and done.

"Cormac," Kev's voice breaks through our silence, coming into the main entryway of the estate. He stands near two couches and a low wooden table, lifting a sheet of paper just as he catches sight of us. I turn in the direction of my brother, a questioning look crossing my face before I nod silently.

The slave selection?

Yes Cormac...I know, I'm sorry we've waited long enough.

Rose pulls on the leather gloves, her eyes never leaving Kev as he nears me with the sheet of paper. After he hands it over, my eyes scan the paper as Kev eyes Rose, though I nod, parting my lips to speak before I close them once again.

I'm not sure what she'll think of my list.

After a few moments, Rose's curiosity gets the best of her and she questions, "What is that?"

Kev is about to speak but I'm the one to explain, "The list of slaves that will attend with us to the winter solstice."

"Missy?" Kev asks and almost instantly Rose's muscles tense at the sound of her name. Kev notices this and shifts his gaze to me, Rose's own traveling and landing on me as well.

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