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~Year 2090-Winter-


I take a few steps away from Laisha...

...only to be called a second later from Arthur who is now standing at the ballroom doors.

"Cormac," he halts my movements with my name, my gaze turning back on him.

Laisha arches a brow before she walks past Arthur, taking to the ballroom floor in Aohdan's place as coven leader. When I pause for too long, Arthur asks me, "Where's Aohdan? Taft mentioned he's no longer to remain present."

"I'll find him," it's my opportunity to be allowed to slip away without having to sneak around him. It's obvious that Taft hadn't mentioned the extent of what Aohdan is going to do...but why keep that a secret from Arthur?

Oh, that's right...

...because the punishment doesn't fit the code she's broken.

Arthur nods and replies, "Make it quick," he turns back away from me and finishes, "we are stronger together."

I waste no time, taking off from Aohdan's estate and praying that somehow, I might be able to get to the hospital before he follows through with her punishment. I don't think I've ever driven that fast before, but I've hardly killed the engine when I immediately step out the vehicle, slamming the door behind me.

My eyes search the hospital sign and the second I take a step forward, I feel like a deep base drop ricochets through my being. My heart stops in my chest, seeing the vivid purple hues brightly enlighten from the opposite side of the windowpane.

It's his fault...

...of course it's his fault.

As soon as the color rapidly fades, I enter into the hospital and head directly to the front desk. My muscles freeze for but a moment, an eerie shiver traveling down my spine as I glance around me, nothing out of the normal shifting and distorting reality like I've come to know.

Your friend plays dangerous games.

"Council Member," a woman behind the counter nods in my direction, reminding me that I'm here to save Rose...though I already feel as though it's too late. If Tresor had a hand in this, then there's nothing I can do to change the outcome.

You did this to Rose.

"Aohdan," I'm right in front of the woman now, her gaze glancing off down the hallway leading to the emergency rooms.

You'll thank me for what I did to your beloved.

How could I ever possibly thank him...

...then my eyes land on Aohdan, standing directly outside a door. They narrow on him, his gaze transfixed briefly on the floor before he feels my presence. A split second later, he lifts his gaze, his own eyes narrowing right back at me.

"What did you do?" I glower at him, moving to close the space between us.

Aohdan darts his eyes to the window before his gaze finds me once again, "I've humored my beloved to punish Rose in a manner she sought fit..." his voice trails off before he releases a sigh, hesitating for a moment and I catch his tell very quickly as states, "...she's underwent a hysterectomy."


You're lying.

"Are you quite sure about that?" I tilt my head to the side, watching the continued liar stick to his claim.

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