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~Year 2090-Winter-

Once I've made my selection known and the fury behind it having died down, Arthur makes his announcement, "Slaves of the covens, return to your daily chores."

Afraid one of the other council members might deviate from the normal structure of selection, they up and leave as quickly as possible, the room clearing out in a matter of a minute at best. The remaining four humans and Rose remain silent, their hearts beating uneasily as they await for their next instruction.

When Arthur turns to knowledge us, he then allows for the next phase of the winter festivities to commence, "Take your selections and prepare them for what is to come. When they are well informed of their duties, they are free to relax in the pool room."

After a slight nod from us three, Aohdan is the one to give the next order, "Rise slaves," the resentment he harbors for me now escalating further.

All five individuals lift their heads and slowly rise to their feet. Rose's eyes capture mine, a flicker of uneasiness coming deep from within her. A second later, she diverts her eyes away from mine, not wanting to succumb to the feelings, the pull growing from within her. It's moments like these that tear at my heart for a second...but then I'm reminded that it was the only thing I can do to ensure her safety.

A tension briefly comes from her the second her eyes find Arthur's and all I can do is hold my breath. The air catches in her lungs, unable to breakaway from his gaze as he entrances her, pulls her in with whatever it is he's trying to find.

I'll have to be the one to break this. Rose is withdrawn from the entrapment the second I say, "Come along...slave," her eyelids rapidly blinking, pulling away from the trance she had found herself in.

While Taft and Arthur leave with their selections, I'm left standing on the platform with Aohdan. A few seconds later, I walk down those steps, heading toward the center of the ballroom with Rose close by. I catch Aohdan glaring daggers at Rose, as if this is all her fault.

The fault solely belongs with you Aohdan, after all...

...you're the one who captured her.

I'm halted when Aohdan walks near me, his eyes locking with mine and asks, "What game are you play at Cormac?"

Now...isn't that interesting...

My gaze ever so slight scans Rochelle before I arch a brow and state, "The same game you're playing, only I know how to play it better."

The tension among the three near the two of us is obvious. Aohdan and I are locked in a very dark stare, the words I've spoken holding much more meaning and depth than many do comprehend. I've laid it out for him and if he doesn't know by now that I'm aware of Rochelle, he may never get a clearer signal.

My next words are selectively chosen, as only Warren knows what Rose is...a vagrant...that others don't catch on to what I'm eluding to, especially Rochelle, "I'm not going to expose her, Aohdan if that's what you're wondering and I won't say a word about what you have gotten yourself into," the reassurance in my words has him on the edge.

He scoffs at me, turning away from our stare down to snap, "Move slaves!" I watch on as his two selections move quick toward the ballroom doors, Aohdan following behind them until the sound of the doors closing is the only thing I hear.

It's gentle, understanding that if I don't speak carefully, I just might upset Rose further when I say, "You know the way to my room, now let's proceed."

Rose is quiet, deep within her thoughts as we head in the direction of my room, knowing only there I can have a sanctuary moment with her and make her understand what's about to happen. Once I reach for the handle, opening the door open as if this is reliving a memory for her, I motion for her to move through the threshold.

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