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~Year 2090-Winter-

She's in there...

...for far too long, my heart gripping with a torrent of emotions rushing threw my mind as he slowly slips back, taking from me the freedom that I hadn't know had been a luxury. To know what it's like to just be like one of the humans we keep, to be treated lower than one's worth really is.

It's harder this time, Tresor having to force his power tenfold as all I could do to escape his entrapment, was to recall the moves of my chessboard. Analyzing, calculating, keeping my mind running at high speed without a moment's rest results in him breaking my thoughts harsher. What he has in store for Rose next, I can hardly imagine however, I know he'll pull something from my deep-seeded fantasies, my wants and desires for her...he'll manipulate them, just like he did only hours prior.

I'm standing directly outside of the door, my hands clenching into fists as I grit my teeth hard together. Beads of sweat roll down from my temples, desperately fighting against him, but Tresor merely has to amplify his manipulation in order for me to finally succumb to the weight pressing down within my mind.

I trusted you with our pact.

I delivered on my end.

Rose has nothing to do with this...

She has everything to do with this.

He's forcing my hand, outstretching toward the handle of the door before I grasp it, the lock seemingly having reverted back to its original form.


Trust takes years to build while only seconds to shatter.

Why is he telling me this?

Without another moment to process that thought, I open the door while the light from the hallway floods the darkened lighting of the room. My eyes immediately fall on my little rose, her eyelids snapping closed at the harshness the light brings, while my gaze continues to roam her body.

The door shuts behind me, locking it to ensure our privacy as I move toward her. My boots echo with my strides across the marble floor, the only other sounds are her heartbeat, her uneven breathing and the beautiful sound the vibrations bringing forth her arousal. She tries to make herself appear as small as possible, my movements precise as I circle her like a hawk. I see the way her thighs quiver, her arousal dripping onto the floor from between those shaky thighs.

When I come to a halt behind her, ceasing my movements for a brief second, I edge just a bit closer. Her scent catches me off guard, getting the best of me as she continues to draw me in with that alluring and enticing smell. My breath fans the back of her neck, slowly raising my fingertips to trace over her skin, moving her hair to just over her left shoulder.

You want her to admit what she is, to not hide anything from you.

As true a statement as this is...

...I hardly know how much she's aware of herself.

Yet, your deception will be your own undoing, the trust you wish to build upon stemming from this one moment here.

"I've had time to think about what you said," my voice comes out low and dangerous, predatory instincts surfacing. Reaching out to the side and taking the remote into my hand, it's a relief when it takes little effort to turn off the vibrator, her heartbeat returning to a somewhat normal pace.

Play your games, the ones you ingrained into yourself...

I continue, "I'm going to ask you two questions. If you answer those two questions honestly, then I'll release you and you'll be on your merry way to cleaning mirrors."

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