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New cover made by: Faith Adilad!

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New cover made by: Faith Adilad!


~Year 2066-Autumn- 

I need to speak with Kirsten.

The nursemaid that took my brother away from the undertaker that night he was pronounced dead. The fact his heart had restarted was a miracle in itself and the way my parents hadn't batted an eye at his death, just happy that they had one son alive...

Kirsten knows and sees everything within my parents coven, and possibly they might have something within their walls to help counter whatever it is that Arthur is plotting under the table. If I can somehow prepare us for the worse, maybe we don't have to suffer the repercussions of anything backfiring.

After leaving Walter's castle, it was a two day drive to my parents' residence. It was quiet for the most part, left to my thoughts as silence surrounds the space around me. All the possibilities of this idea of showing the world we deserve to be in the spotlight, that we are just as strong as the werewolves is a useless notion if we end up being feared for it.

Opting to park in the side gate as I see there are many guests they must be entertaining, I kill the engine once in the parking spot. Stepping out into the night, the wind tugs at my clothes, my gaze focusing in on their home. The eerie silence and lack of brilliant lighting illuminating the inside walls causes me to furrow my brows.

My steps are loud in comparison to the crickets off in the distance. I take long strides until I come to the kitchen staff entrance, knowing Kirsten was no longer a nursemaid, but one of the housekeepers. As she didn't belong to a larger family, mine had taken her in and she just never left.

The back kitchen door is unlocked, grasping it with my hand before pushing it inward. It creeks on its hinges and the room inside only has one light on. It appears that the oven is cold, bringing the palm of my hand near it as I walk by.

If my parents are entertaining guests...

...dinner would be served about now.

Near the door leading to the hallway, I see her back to me, her frame appearing to be peaking out as she hides. Coming up behind her quietly I ask, "Kirsten?"

Her heart races at the sound of my voice. Jumping as she turns around, her hand accidentally knocks one of the pans from the countertop at her side. The sound echoes a loud clatter when the pan hits the ground, her eyes wide with shock at my mere presence.

"C-C-Cor-Cormac," she fumbles with her words, voices resonating from down the hallway as their tone changes and become softer. I lift my gaze to just above her head and then bring my eyes back to lock with hers.

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